Hurricane Irene

Thus FACUA, has reminded once companies such as Iberia and Air France suspended flights because of Hurricane Irene. Those affected are entitled to assistance, to receive the full amount of their tickets, in addition to food or accommodation expenses. Air carriers must provide assistance, in addition to refund tickets if cancellations of flights, it has reminded this Saturday FACUA following the decision of some companies to suspend travel to EE UU by Hurricane Irene. Consumer organization explains that those affected are entitled to the full amount paid, including supplements, surcharges and fees if already not want them flying, in addition to expenditure on food, drink and accommodation if needed. In a statement, FACUA instructs travelers interested that they claim the companies refund of the full price of their tickets, and that, in case of which refuse, they denounce irregularities before the State Agency for air safety (AESA) of the Ministry of development. If the affected they have to wait return to EE UU flights or were on a connecting flight, the Association warns that you are entitled to receive food, drink and accommodation if needed during the wait. Although the companies they have not informed of this right, advised to retain invoices or receipts of purchase food and beverages, as well as the hotels where booked to claim its amount. If banknotes were not recruited separately, but within tourist packages with travel, claims can be studied directly with these. To treat of cancellations by force majeure, users may not require the payment of the ompensaciones between 125 and 600 euros c laying down Community rules, indicates. Source of the news: airlines should refund the tickets on the cancellation of flights

Poliobras Investment

Thats what it says Hernan Molina, director of the energy and Gas (CREG) regulatory Committee, in an interview with Reuters: it is a market that has respected the rules of the game for 10 years, a country that has established trust, with an efficient price formation process, and that gives signals to enter. This change in the rules of the game is of the utmost importance for the success of the above-mentioned tenders as there was an outline of generation in which projects were designed, built and operated by the State until the Decade of the 90s. This system collapsed at the beginning of the 1990s with worse rationing of energy in the history of the country. This caused millions in losses that Colombia does not want to repeat. In these auctions won not only large companies, but also other small such as Gecelca and Poliobras, who also built and operated plants, backed by firms such as the Helm group of United States or the Japanese Marubeni Corp., which apply innovative systems of generation as big drops of water-based.

The Spanish giant Endesa, will build the hydroelectric project El Quimbo, through its subsidiary EMGESA. At the same time, public enterprises of Medellin (EPM), the largest provider of public services of the country, will lead the project Pescadero Ituango with a capacity of up to 2,400 megawatts. I would remind you that in the energy sector, Colombia has made great progress in tendering’s exploratory areas of the petroleum sector where there is a great potential for wealth to be discovered that could be ten times the current stock of oil reserves proven in Colombia. Colombia knows that to grow it needs major investment and is for this reason that it has also proposed a target on the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI). Colombia is close to signing an investment protection agreement with India, to stimulate the flow of resources between the two countries.

Spain Banks

Alberto degrees 20 m that for entities is a price to pay for some services rendered, for many serves for even more profit to a few executives with exorbitant salaries. Despite the economic crisis, the commissions have increased in recent years. The banks and have various committees. Commissions. That Word hated when we rrimos to banks and savings banks. That for financial institutions is a price to pay for some services, for many citizens, not to say most, is a mechanism for even more profit to companies whose executives a year earn exorbitant salaries.

Even the Minister of labour and immigration, Valeriano Gomez, commented that the obscene salaries of bankers are behind the emergence of the financial crisis. Crisis. Another damn Word. It is not surprising that every time you look at more with magnifying glass that is paid by a bank account or make a transfer. Neither the bad economic situation in recent years has curbed banks at the time of reduce their commissions.

Moreover, they have increased. For example, if currently financial institutions charge customers an average six-month value of 25,80 EUR for the maintenance of their accounts, two years ago (already immersed in the economic crisis) that average amount it was 20.80 euros. Five euros of difference. They are data from the Bank of Spain, which demonstrate how the increase in commissions is general in other sections such as transfers (its price has risen by more than 20% in two years), the credit and debit cards (annual fees have grown between 9% and 16% from June 2009) or the use of ATMs (asset’scarryingamount have increasingly is more expensive). All commissions may vary, up or down, depending on certain conditions that should always be taken into account: for example, if it’s a young person or a retiree, if high-end payroll, the balance of means on the account, etc.

Regional Executive Committee

Mayor of ALCOBENDAS Ignacio Garcia de Vinuesa, born in Madrid on 6 November 1948. Lives in Alcobendas for 24 years, married with four children. Ignacio Garcia de Vinuesa is the Mayor of Alcobendas (Madrid), and President of the Popular Party in this city. Ignacio Garcia de Vinuesa studied law at the Complutense University of Madrid. Since the beginning of his labour activity has developed its vocation as an entrepreneur promoting the creation of several SMEs.

In addition, it should be noted that Ignacio Garcia de Vinuesa: began his relationship with politics joining UCD and participating in the Organization of the campaign of the first democratic elections. Since then, and until 1999, he worked in various areas of the people’s Party and is currently member of the Regional Executive Committee and Secretary for political action. He chairs the Commission on economy and employment of the Madrid Federation of municipalities. Since the election of 1999, and until the last mandate, He has been spokesman for the Popular Party in the city of Alcobendas. On 16 June 2007 he was elected Mayor of Alcobendas, after the victory of the PP absolute majority in municipal elections on May 27.

GmbH David Bottger

The ALMconf is (management day) and 27-28 October, 2010 (Technical Tracks) in Stuttgart instead of Oberhaching for the first time on October 26, 2010, July 08, 2010 – the ALMconf will take place for the first time on October 26, 2010 (management day) and 27-28 October, 2010 (Technical Tracks) in Stuttgart. The application lifecycle management Conference is a German-speaking Conference, which focuses on the topic of application lifecycle management both from technological and economic point of view and here the art is to show the State participants. It is organised by the HLMC events GmbH in close cooperation with the iX from the Heise magazine publishing. Hardly an issue affecting such software engineering in recent years such as application lifecycle management (ALM). In terms of method, as well as on the tool market to determine significant changes were here in recent years.

The issue of integration”- both what individual tools (single point solutions) concerns as well as the integration of distributed teams – has gained considerably in importance. But also economic aspects the pure licensing models increasingly play an important role are long outdated, approaches, as for example SaS, leasing models, billing usage, etc. are increasingly interesting. The call for papers to the ALMconf is now available and can see: call-for-papers.htmlonline are submitted. Closing date is 26 August 2010 contact: HLMC events GmbH David Bottger junior project manager Kirchplatz 6 82041 Oberhaching phone: + 49 89 613 04 484 fax: + 49 89 613 04 486 E-Mail: Internet: about HLMC events GmbH HLMC is specialized for seven years on the Organization of events in the field of software engineering. HLMC focuses both on the technical/content as well as the organizational handling of conferences, user group meetings, workshops and road shows in the sales order.

Total already several thousand participants from the IT industry have visited the events of HLMC. HLMC discusses the current trends in software engineering and thus ensures the success of the event. The services of HLMC includes the search and selection of method lectures, keynotes and user -, the acquisition of sponsors and exhibitors and the entire organisational and administrative processing of designated events. In addition, HLMC advises various companies in the implementation of events of any kind. By the clear and precise focusing on the field of software engineering HLMC here has established an excellent and extensive network, from which the clients benefit from HLMC. Via iX since the founding in 1988 has iX as a required reading of professional IT user established. The editors carefully researched all important topics of the Internet with regard to the successful use of computers in the company intranet, networks, operating systems and client-server computing and underpins it with manufacturer-independent tests. On the cross-editorial website heise online involved is also the iX-editorial on the current reporting on IT topics. Under is different offers such as blogs on topics from software development, current news, a monthly survey and a provider information service for companies that meet the professional character of the magazine. The contents of iX are available at eMedia from year 1988 on CD-ROM. Since 2003, iX regularly organises conferences around the theme of better software”and offers various workshops on topics in the field of software engineering with international renowned speakers. It also published iX under the label of iX study”regular studies and tool analysis.

The School

The pupils many times do not know the reality where they live, they do not know the origin of the city where they live, which had been the first inhabitants, the date of foundation, of emancipation and many other aspects of the city that they need to be known, analyzed and understood. On the basis of this lamentable constatao was thought about developing an activity where the pupils can know and register the history of the place where they live tracing one ‘ ‘ panorama’ ‘ of the city under all its aspects. An excellent activity in the direction is considered of that it is paper of the school to contribute so that the young knows the reality where they live and they act as human beings and citizens. Knowing it they can understand it, understanding it can fight to transform it. The activity will have to be developed using the laboratory of computer science of the school in order to provide to the pupils the knowledge of the reality where they are inserted, and mainly to contribute of significant form for inclusion of the same ones in the virtual world, through the use of some technological resources and of computer science, as well as of some available applicatory programs and in the world of computer science and the Internet. The activity: ‘ ‘ The city in foco’ ‘ it will be developed from the following procedures metodolgicos: Work of group.

Each group will search on one of the aspects of the city: economic, cultural, historical, social and educational physicists, human beings, politicians. Of ownership of the material collected in the research by means of interviews, readings, photos, research in documents in the public agencies, the Internet, etc. the production written on each one of the searched aspects will be made.

The Person

Like blue color, it has a great capacity of intuition, while he also knows find a balance between logic and feelings. You know find happiness in the everyday life things, and to deepen the really important aspects. When the indigo color is not the predominant, it will indicate a State of complete happiness and tranquility, with the strength to cope with any possible inconvenience. Like with the color blue, the person with the color indigo aura has excellent qualities to exercise as a good counselor. But in the negative aspect of the color indigo aura, this can represent quite the opposite of the positive aspects, i.e. the person could appear as manipulative, and reaching the frustration, which would lead to a serious depression and anxiety. Violet person whose predominant aura color is violet, has the quality of being highly spiritual. This color is which can be seen in people whose purpose in life is to spiritual growth, staying in the background everything to do with the material.

They are excellent channelers towards the spiritual, where, if they are prepared, they can obtain surprising results between the spiritual and the material, being this color of the very common aura among persons professionally engaged in the world of the esoteric. When the violet color of the aura can be found in the background, you will be indicating that it has entered into a stage of encounter with the inner being, where intimate experiences acquire a transcendental importance. On the downside of the aura of violet color, it would indicate that the person has entered a phase of spiritual, considered to be superior to the mundane insulation, which ultimately turns against its own purpose of spiritual growth, reaching the end of being totally disconnected from the world. Pink the person whose predominant color of the aura is the rose, show an especially sensitive and sentimental character.


Fruits that never could be eaten: ) Not to eat of the fruit of the revolt (that is, not to practise the revolt) Gn 4.5-16; I Sm 15,23 b) not to eat of the fruit of the disobedience (that is, not practising disobedience) I Sm 15,22 Recommendations: Of the children to the parents Ef 6.1-3; CL 3.20? Of the servants you Ef 6.5-7; Tt 2,9, 10; CL 3.22-25? You to the servants Ef 6.9; CL 4.1? Of the wives to the husbands Tt 2.5; I Pd 3.1? Of the husbands the wives Ef 5.25; I Pd 3.7? Of the church to the shepherds Hb 13.17; I Ts 5.12; I Tm 5,17 c) not to eat of the fruit of the irreverncia (not being irreverent or lacking with respect the sacred things) II Sm 6.7; Ec 5,1, 2; I Co 11,27-30 d) not to eat of the fruit of the misalignment in the home (that is, misunderstanding or yoke -3 – different) II Co 6.14; Is 38,1 e) not to eat of the fruit of the uses and mundane customs Ef 5.11; I Jo 2,15 f) not to eat of the fruit of dither (that is, not being exaltado and not proud) TM 18.3; 23,12 g) Not to eat of the fruit of the egoism (that is, not being dominated for the EGO) Lc 9,49, 50; Fp 2,4 h) not to eat of the fruit of the hatred (not to hate) Lc 9.51-56; TM 5,44 i) not to eat of the fruit of incredulity (not to doubt) TM 13.58; 17.20; Jo 20,27 j) not to eat of the fruit of disinterest TM 7.7; Lc 11.13; Tg 1,5, 6 Is interesting to observe that the culture of the farming of God portraies what any agriculturist makes in its farming, applying defensive and preparing the land. As well as the agriculturist it manages its agricultural farming and goods, in the same way it is in the farming of God. .

Finnish Pavilion Public

It is one more say acknowledged due to his previously shown communication behavior maps attributes such as competence, reliability and generally active participation to be. Establishing a reputation of these attributes is indeed especially for associations of great importance. Because the organizational structure of the Association traditionally like it or not tends to be first of all in the general suspicion, on behalf of the members of special interests to represent and communicate. It is also obvious, that actors, thanks to a continuous participation in social debates on an established network of contacts to decision-makers and multipliers as well as have good knowledge of the relevant communication channels are, have a clear advantage in the competition of a variety of different voices and opinions in the public debate. What Public Relations not can afford at this point now also some limits of the possibilities of Public Relations should be shown.

Do good and talk about it,”is an often-quoted motto from the practice of public relations. A very important basic knowledge hidden in this mundane statement: Public Relations can replace not the action itself. A key requirement for a medium – and long-term successful public relations is absolute integrity of the communication. It is about the expectations of the effect of public relations, also the timeline plays an important role. Public Relations work in the medium and long term. Fundamental targets are usually the building a positive reputation, the removal of any prejudice, the mediation and penetration of messages, as well as the establishment of a contact network. These things do not happen overnight. Good must not expensive, be an example of a word that is often associated with Public Relations in connection, is still didn’t notice: creativity.

A good idea can bring great results in terms of the objective of many a time using less resources. In the context of the opening of the Central Expo in Hanover in the Millennium year, Finland wanted to achieve as much attention for its Pavilion. Of course! All other exhibiting Nations also wanted that. The idea: Three attractive hostesses were given a typical costume. Their heads adorned admittedly unusually large hats, on which they presented an authentic look model of the Finnish Pavilion. Resulted in this unusual and creative eye-catcher, that in almost the entire image coverage in TV, online and print Finland transported was. Good idea small use of resources large effect! Public Relations for organizations just nice to have or a must? Professional public relations is not a panacea. We have seen that definitely are limits the possibilities of Public Relations. Conversely, it has become clear that in accordance with the specific objectives used Public Relations for an association can very well bring a clear added value. Sine qua non is the meaningful integration of association management and action the Association top with appropriate measures of public relations. Public Relations for your Association: just nice to have or a must? Decide for. Frank C. Carpenter