Amazon Region

In it grows it to the present time mento population in the Amazon region, in the area that was of occupation is parking or declining, therefore these populations is following for urban areas with purposes to find new chances of jobs. With this the Amaznia leaves of an agricultural area and passes to be urbanizada, the only exception is the state of the Maranho that for its historical characteristics still keeps an agricultural population above of the urban one. On the other hand, the process of emancipation of some cities explains this decline. This Process indicates still more that the Amaznia walks to be to become an area of great importance for the country. With the increasing ambient concern one becomes interesting to create incentive for the ambient preservation, being thus I appeared market of air, the life and the water.

Which is of great importance, therefore the financial interest of the countries awakes and of the companies so that it preserves the nature and with this I gained profits. The example more clearly of this is the carbon credits that are commercialized between the countries. Also with the concern of the preservation of the nature ‘ appeared correte; ‘ conservacionista’ ‘ opposing it ‘ ‘ desenvolvimentalista’ ‘. In this context some conflicts appeared involving these two groups that generate deaths. Situation that the State did not obtain to control and probably without one politics publishes fort goes to obtain, a time that this is a question of centuries of occupation with endogenous interests in the region, which goes of meeting to interests of the local a population, as the aboriginals. Reference BECKER, Bertha K.


JOSE BRECHNER Barack Obama go down in history as the idiot or the bigger scoundrel who ruled the United States. The adjectives are not mutually exclusive, you can be both things at the same time. His new approach to our enemies measure has been banning the official use of the term Islamic extremism. Months ago it vedo the use of the term war against terrorism and changed by external contingency operations. At this rate its next characterization of Islamic fascists, will be: Dear brothers. Obama wants the world to see Islam as a religion of moderate people, because as he says, they are only a few terrorists. Therefore also were a few members of the Nazi SS, but the majority of the Germans applauded and cheered Hitler. There is no moderate islam, just as there is no moderate Communism or Nazism.

By nature they are all absolutist conceptions. Is there any Islamic country which allows to be Muslim and secular? Islam is only one and is the same for all his followers. Some are more fanatical and daring, others less, but its laws are the same for all of his faithful and who does not meet them is sentenced to death. Is that moderation? To understand the Jihad, it must understand islam. Islam, like Christianity, is considered the only bearer of divine truth that must be disclosed or imposed on everyone.

Christianity had its long ages of barbarism, islam never overcame them. Christianity and islam are two civilizations defined in religious terms that came into conflict not by their differences, but by their similarities. Islam is not just a matter of faith and practice; It is also an identity and fidelity. For many an identity and a faithfulness that surpass all others. In the UN, there is the Muslim bloc, not the Catholic, Protestant, or Buddhist. Muhammad was not only Prophet and teacher, as the founders of other religions; He was also ruler and soldier.

Geneva Motor Show

Consider the cars of several manufacturers. Cars – Honda. Ambitious model Honda HR-V in the style of fashion design trends. Honda HR-V will be the best choice for those who want to reach a point on the map for the shortest possible time. In repertoire of models of Honda HR-V, on 5 door Honda HR-V, not only brings an additional number of doors.

Body and a wheelbase of Honda HR-V was increased to 100 mm. And, above all, it affected the additional comfort and safety passengers in the rear seats and the best sustainability performance model Honda HR-V. In this case, the most important advantages of the models of Honda HR-V have been saved. Four-wheel drive allows the Honda HR-V to leave behind conventional cars. Engines SOHC (105 hp) or the SOHC VTEC (124 hp) 1.6-liter combine performance with excellent fuel economy and durability.

The next car that we consider Hyundai. The second generation of Hyundai Lantra was published in 1994. It is a model of a small class, it available in Touring versions sedan, hatchback and wagon. The outer design is made by South Korean manufacturers in accordance with the outgoing mode at the smoothed bioform. Lantra is equipped with gasoline engines of 90 – 114 – 139hp, accompanied by a mechanical 5-speed gearbox. Good handling, reasonable prices, easy handling make the model of popular and top-selling well. Finally, consider another brand Car – Mazda. Mazda Premacy premiere took place in March 1999 at the Geneva Motor Show. Premacy – a front-5-7-seater wagon with increased capacity (MPV) in units Mazda-323 extended wheelbase. Equipped with inline 4-cylinder engine working volume of 1.9 liters and 114 hp a 2.0-liter turbodiesel, which is aggregated with a 5-speed manual or 4-speed automatic transmission. The model has a high level comfort and equipment. Salon versatile: the seat moved, removed and laid out – as a result you can get 2-bed. By the way details of interior design.

Pica Yellow Wood

It is important that, in the classroom, the reading and the writing are not secondary activities, that do not occupy only the time that sobrou in finalzinho of the lesson. Reading and writing need to be planned, as daily activities, not only between the pupils, but also between us, educators. It has diverse ways of if making this, some ways, each one of them with advantages and disadvantages, because we know that nor everything functions in the same way in different groups. The educator, as reading experienced, can read with pupils, count histories and to use them as stimulaton for the writing of the pupils. Not because the read text is necessarily a starting point for an exercise but, to the times, the reading if locks up in same itself. Can-to be to read and later making a writing exercise, as well as can be had activities of reading that are not folloied of exercise some because the reading already is, in itself, an activity. One knows that many times the readers (it are of the school or stimulated by it) write for the writers of the books that they had liked.

Many writers tell the colloquies that had had with its readers. Lobato hunter received letters from its readers and not only wrote for they, inserted as well as them in its histories: readers, then, had started to be part of histories of the Small farm of Pica Yellow Wood. She was what the reader created for Clarice wanted to make: to live in the book. The pupils, readers in formation, can use to advantage the reading to dialogue (by means of the writing) with the writers of the books that they had liked, as well as can dialogue with other readers, of close and to far. It is very common to read the periodical pages and magazines book summaries and films, and in function of these summaries we decide to read or not a book, to attend or not a film.