Intellectual Development Of Kids

Many are concerned today about the intellectual development of their children. It acquires the features of almost mass hysteria. Coined the term "early development", implying it is the development of intelligence. Reached and the process pregnancy. There are even special "training" program, implemented with the help of loudspeakers placed in the maternal abdomen, from which originate the special rhythmic signals that stimulate certain brain structures.

In addition to "specially organized by the animal," the child was regarded as a "computer", stuffed with "programs" that are necessary at all costs "include". Intellectual in its infancy – this is a new ideal, a new generation all the time. Or, and here she made a mistake? The human mind is not limited to intelligence and has many prerequisites and conditions for its development. The development is accomplished by passing several stages. One of them – prenatal. But this is not the time for the intellect (however, as did the early years of extrauterine life). At this time the child is symbiotic with nature, he is with her – one. Not a woman, and all of nature is pregnant that child.

Female only tool, the mediator. And we have no right to dictate terms. Birth – an act of a kind of "rejection", the loss of symbiotic relationship. And that in itself is an injury. But nature gives man the intelligence to come to harmony in relationships, and reason to come again to the lost symbiosis. Step by step, gradually leading him toward that goal. Early stimulation of the intellect – it is a gross interference in the natural program for which you have to pay any more than an incomplete or distorted by its implementation. Read additional details here: Munear Kouzbari. And even developed, "stimulated by" intelligence is not able to "finish" that could not make the nature of the efforts of its "king." During fetal development – during symbiosis with the nature of the child, the period of their mutual love, and to maintain this symbiosis, it is necessary to give the child the nature, because we're losing her, but he loses it with us. And along with this lost love, without which the mind – unfeeling computer, dry intellect, dismembering and analyzing, beating in fruitless attempts to understand that without love it is not given to understand. Our love for children so unlike the love that children bring with them. Love unconditionally and without any 'self'. They still do not know how to think about yourself. We must recognize that our love is more like affection and true love – this is what we should learn from them. But instead, they learn from us our love. Loving children, we want to be like us, but it did not make our mistakes. And they become like us, but persistently repeating our mistakes. Every child – a monument to his parents. And the heartache, which sometimes cause us to our children – no pain there is a meeting with himself, with his own qualities? First of all, we must learn to love their children for their sake, not for himself. And this is best we can teach themselves. As appealing F. Leboyer, "Let women understand, feel:" I am his mother, "not" This is my baby. "

Human Love And Development

The love is an essential component the life, being thus essential to the full development of a human being, data its importance has of if making an analysis of as this feeling can more be learned since tenra age. To know itself exactly as only individual with its proper traces, its gostos and disgusts, its proper ideas means to become a truth person. However he is not something that happens of the day for night, without a doubt this process starts while conscience does not exist to understand it and will go to continue to develop for all the life. We are speaking of the autoconceito and we will go to approach its development and the implications that this can bring to the emotional aspect of the human being. More info: Hyundai. Finally, but not of lesser importance, we will go to analyze auto-esteem being one of the psychological processes that more influence the life and the human performance, therefore represents, according to Son (2008, p.01) ' ' the emotional component of ours I, that is, how much we like truily we ourselves and it life way that levamos' '. To study its development and its importance is an essential factor so that this article reach the objective which if considered.

Although this material to have its limitations, we wait that it is an instrument of awareness for the families and it helps that to believe and to understand them its importance in the full emotional development of the human being. Initial periods the development is a continuous process of construction, leaves then of the beginning of everything. The start of the life, that is, in the conception. Followed of the conception we see the sequence of the human development, enclosing some phases: prenatal period, phase that it precedes to the birth, peri-Christmas, that is, during the birth, after-Christmas that succeeds to the birth and the first years of life.

Project Development

Many units of Information still consist of ‘ ‘ static, closed and quiet spaces, where the people if enclausuram to carry through its studies and leituras’ ‘ (Mota, 2006). For the change of this sad scene, the inclusion of the pertaining to school library in the Project becomes necessary Pedagogical Politician of the school for captation of physical, financial resources and technological, for this it fits to the professional librarian to act in more operating way in the schools and to include the Unit of Information in this Project. The SOCIAL FUNCTION OF the INFORMATION the information is a right to all, is a cultural good when used they use in social, educational and cultural activities, exerting its rights to the citizenship. The information is of vital in such a way for the subsistence of the individual in the society. The information is of essential importance, because without this the construction of the knowledge is not possible, therefore acquiring the information transforms it to the individual into knowledge and this provides the insertion of the same in the social environment it characterizes and it as citizen I criticize and creative, capable to change the reality where if it finds. For Varela (2007) ‘ ‘ The information is vital factor in such a way for the subsistence of the individual as of the society. The degree development of a society can be evidenced by the quality of the available information for its comunidade’ ‘ Still according to author ‘ ‘ He is of basic importance that if it questions the paper of the information in the construction of the citizenship, mainly is desired that the person usufructs the condition of being citizen as subject, constructing itself as to be capable of autonomy, while to be only, resultant of coletivo’ ‘ (VARELA, 2007). ‘ ‘ The information is a corporate property when they use it to the people in its social, educational and cultural activities, exerting its rights to cidadania’ ‘ (MOORE, 1997, p.271 -272 apud VARELA, 2007 p.31).

The degree of development of a society can be evidenced by the quality of the available information for its community, that is, the more information the governing disponibilizaram for its community, more developed and with more quality the society will be remained. According to Saracevic, 1974 apud Varela, 2007 can be considered that the improvement of the quality of life of a society implies in the capacity to generate knowledge and/or to use to advantage existing knowledge already, in order to promote scientific and social the development, implying, also, in the capacity of the society, as a whole, of if benefiting of products and deriving services of this development.

Social Development

According to information of the medias of mass, Brazil was recognized as reference in the combat to the hunger and the poverty, during the meeting of cupola of Organization of United Nations (ONU), carried through in day 21 and 22 of September of 2010 in New York, to deal with the Objectives of Development of Milnio (ODM). In the Government of president Lus Incio Lula da Silva (Squid 2002-2010), it had persistence in reducing the extreme poverty 25% of the existing total in 1990 and to finish with the hunger up to 2015. The country gained prominence for creating a program of income transference that it aimed at to attenuate the poverty and to finish with the hunger in the country, one them bigger challenges to be reached for the public politics in the country. As information of the press room the minister of the Social Development and Combat to the Hunger, Mrcia Lopes to if reporting in the meeting of United Nations, in day 20 of September of 2010 in New York said that: ' ' More than 20 million people had left the extreme poverty, more than 32 million migraram of classroom D for the C, what it means access the consumption, but also the citizenship and participao' '. Although it has the recognition of that through the Program Stock market Family, many families had left the line of the extreme poverty, the analyses of the point of view macro allow to say that the changes are pparently minimum, in virtue of the discontinuity of the actions, the focalizao and the absence of a methodology that promotes the development.

The national secretary of Income of Citizenship of the MDS, Modest Lcia, presented the results reached for the Stock market Family for a society more less different joust and. According to Lcia ' ' In less than seven years, the program, that takes care of 12,7 million families and more than transfers to R$ 1,2 billion for month, she was the responsible one for 21% of the reduction of the inaquality between 2004 and 2006 and represents an average addition of 48% in the income of beneficirios' '. Responsible in the execution of the Program the Stock market Family they reveal confident with the social impacts reached by the benefit of income transference. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Robert Kiyosaki. But we must understand if these changes are pautadas in an education of quality, in a health attendance efficient, in an adequate feeding or they are only looking for to brighten up the social problems.

Make Money With A Blog

Be present on the Internet is important for any business in which you are. To connect with all kinds of potential customers on the network it is best to use a blog. Looking for a way to show your experience and make some money, consider starting a blog. Step 1: What is a Blog? A blog is a type of online journal. With a blog each day you can write about anything you want. In a question-answer forum Robert Kiyosaki was the first to reply.

For instance, some create blogs to keep in touch with family and upload photos, videos and stories. Similarly, we can use a blog to keep in touch with our customers, thus creating a continuous link with the people you visit and purchase. That is a business blog to generate money. For a blog to be truly effective you need: Keeping up with quality content (articles, videos, pictures) should be marketed to generate web traffic should focus on one issue Step 2: How to Start a Blog If you’re new to blogs, use a free service. Sites like Blogger or WordPress you can serve. Watch two videos explaining. Before you start writing decide what will be the theme of your blog.

A blog that talks about all kinds of issues will not be as successful as a specialist. It is easier to focus on writing for a single type of audience. Step 3: Make Money with a Blog To make money you need people visiting a blog. You must promote your blog and what you can do with you. Once you have enough visitors daily, you can add the method to make money you choose: Google AdSense Marketing eBook Marketing Partners simpler The Google AdSense because you can easily apply for an account and start earning money. The more you write the better you go with this option. Learn more about how. The second option is to sell the product of a person for a commission. This is called affiliate marketing and I recommend you look for something related to your blog that you sell. The third option is to create an electronic book (e-book) and sell it on your blog. Includes the most popular topics of your blog. Blogs can be used to make money. Choose a subject you write and promote your blog finally added a way to earn money. This insurance will achieve your first dollars online.

Modified Structure

The rapid development of methods of cyber attacks is increasing every hour. Recently, for example, the largest on line attack, whether it is online octopus, jump an avalanche across the internet, and so amazing with computers. This class of infecting programs often used unterminated vulnerability costing software or penetrated the host, using the carelessness of an administrator. Now the situation on the field of cyber threats has shown themselves interesting, cause the release of new yavilos disembodied Internet viruses. It is this kind of dangerous code has a long sheet of great hacker of the epidemic, to immobilize a large number of PCs across the Internet. It's about the virus Slammer, appeared in 2003 and spread throughout the global web, making hundreds of stills PCs on different parts of the globe. A key feature of privednnogo type viruses, which makes these malicious codes such, is just, self-reliance.

This, represent themselves, independent pieces of data that fall victim to the host through all sorts of software vulnerabilities. And once on the donor hearts immediately come to the activity, and no installations, the administrator will not need this case. This is caused by the extreme difficulty of detecting and operational control. Now every half hour, and can do a couple of seconds on the planet discovered a series of new Trojans and many more types of old Trojans. Therefore, the operational response to the replenishment of special software tools as well as obtaining the necessary updates to the software used in Depending on the reliability of the whole entire communication network.

Years, the activities of foreign companies, which measure a number of conditions such threats faced much before, proves that even with technological problems, the main factor is human. Much depends on the server administrator, in the case when we conduct a large-scale enterprise. On the example of the same medium-sized firms with limited staff personnel in the department is a plus in the transfer of technical points on it outsourcing. And IT outsourcing in the number of points can also be applied in the case of large firms, but here, in this case, his organization would be rather peculiar for particular organization. Ordinary computer operator should be careful when moving across the expanses of the IT space and conduct periodic creating backup.

Home Internet Business

Our 21 century – the century of e-commerce! And it's true! To earn good money, now do not have to commute to work or to have your own shop. All this – yesterday! Internet has opened up humanity new possibilities and prospects! Every year the turnover of the Internet. Idea how you can earn on the Internet sooner or later comes to every computer user. Indeed, the very well to the Internet, not only would require spending, but also would bring income. Robert Kiyosaki often says this. And the possibilities are truly enormous. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Linkedin has to say. – 2004, turnover on the Internet amounted to 1,4 billion dollars. – 2006, 10 trillion dollars.

– In 2007, trade amounted to more than 21 trillion dollars! Just think in numbers and in rates of development of the Internet! Yes, the scope for action just great! In the world there are already more than 2 billion Internet users. This is opportunities! Some people do not quite understand what the Internet … Internet – is a great opportunity for a man! While some think it is a separate world or a country. Write off the Internet Business with a payback simply impossible, and about the costs of starting any business outside the Internet, I generally keep quiet … . What is "Internet" in essence? Computers from around the world are connected in one network. That's it. With the help of a computer and the Internet, we can find friends all over the world and can build your lucrative business! When people become involved in the Internet – in business, most of them initially spend months and even years of their lives on useless vanity.

MLM Business

Is there a future in MLM business? Even 5 years ago all worked by classical methods – personal conversations with people, presentations, etc. The last time things started to blow, that old methods do not work and the time has come new ones – with the help of Internet. Many, of course, immediately rushed to promote your online business via the Internet. But the statistics is that it does it may be only a few! The others turned their 'internet business' just to the list Spam e-mail and social networks! And it eventually led to the fact that the reputation of MLM on the internet fell as much as once dropped his reputation in the real world. People hate spam and harassment! It turns out that even working in Internet and even working professionally, even using all the possibilities of automation, to promote business on the Internet is becoming harder and harder. And, what is most sad, duplication of the Internet is even lower than in real life! If the this way? I think there is.

But we need to radically rethink and reconsider the whole mlm business and find a new approach to business! Only then will we have a chance to qualitative changes. MLM in our time requires a significant rethinking and radical changes. Already done some background in this direction. But while the ideal option would not come up with. We had not really understand and learn what Network Marketing 2.0, as everyone began to talk about the so-called network marketing, 3.0 and even 4.0! Although the precise wording yet nowhere. It's just a totally new form of online business, yet no one well-known and not implemented in practice. Increasingly, there are projects and companies which, for example, part of the profit is distributed among the partners, regardless of their activity.

Another option – when the company is building a centralized command and signed by you people. This is precisely the first features a completely new approaches. But in most cases – it's just the old scheme + some improvements. As if the old WHO put new wheels. Then they can go further, but a possibility still eventually fall apart. Exit here alone – you need to come up with something from scratch, and something brand new and like nothing on earth! What do you think there is a future in mlm, and how it looks? On his blog MLM business, I bring a modern approach to construction intersetevogo business.


About service Blogun, I have repeatedly mentioned. At first, as a promising, then wrote about it – not my choice. " I want to recall why it was "not my choice." I have no doubt that the service can earn a beginner "beer", and hundreds U.S. mothers Moneymaker, who has an impressive network of blogs-splogov. Just to make serious money on the service Blogun, need a certain attitude, which is not really correspond to my philosophy (or rather not even philosophy, and priorities). In a nutshell – you can only earn a number. Despite the fact that the list of proposals can be found pretty enticing sum is not so simple.

Beginner blogger, of course, no normal Money does not pay, in addition, normal sane advertiser and worthwhile blog, as a rule, do not pay good money, too. All of that service, still primarily used it as an exchange purchase and sale references. Who besides links need more traffic and PR, he will buy sentry or sponsorship on a certain blog. This can not affect prices. If you illustrate that "the fingers" (abstract figures, but I hope it will be clear what I mean), With a budget of $ 500 will buy the advertiser a better rating than 250 references, 20 slightly more fat for the same money. In addition, the service is already quite evolved – notably that on a fairly large supply and demand. It's not even important that more – demand or supply, because both inevitably leads to lower prices.

Protection Against Information Leakage

Information Security Center "EGIDA 'starts selling DeviceLock – the software company SmartLine Inc (SmartLine Inc), a Russian company that 15 years of experience developing software for the administration computer networks. DeviceLock allows us to solve many problems in logging and monitoring user access to the means of input-output data. DeviceLock can control a huge range of potentially unsafe devices: disk drives, USB-ports, CD / DVD-drives, as well as FireWire, infrared, serial and parallel ports, Bluetooth-adapters and WiFi, PDA, tape drives, any internal and external removable drives and hard drives. DeviceLock provides detailed audit (including shadowing) manipulation connected with the devices and data. DeviceLock helps solve the problem of information security companies such as 'AEP' Gazpromneft Khantos, Russian State Library, Inc. 'Trading House' Crossroads', 'GUTA-Insurance' and other companies, military and government organizations, banks, educational, medical and research institutions. Center Information security 'EGIDA' hopes that DeviceLock product DeviceLock, Inc.

(SmartLine Inc) will be a useful complement and help strengthen the security of our clients against information leakage. All decisions of SmartLine Inc (SmartLine Inc) work efficiently in networks of enterprise, and individual workstations. About 'EGIDA' Information Security Center "EGIDA 'works in the field of information security since 2003. Mainstream activity 'EGIDA' – supply license antivirus software programs to protect information and technical support of the software, including antivirus programs protection of any objects (workstations, individual PCs for file and mail servers with support for various operating systems and email systems, gateways), hardware and software data protection, and office software software (Microsoft, Adobe, Abbyy, Nero, Acronis, TopPlan, BioLink, SmartLine Inc, Kerio Technologies …).