The consumer of car insurance has many insurance companies to choose from. Insurance companies are very creative when it comes to attracting new customers, including on the car insurance. Insurance packages and letters of protection are so often offered in addition to make the policies of interest. Thus also in the car insurance. Here are the insurance companies offer auto insurance to also be happy with just one passenger insurance or a safe-conduct. What power do I really need on my car insurance? What insurance is appropriate and how can I do without insurance? – All we want to see in this insurance product. Auto insurance, also called motor insurance: As the name implies, this is in car insurance is compulsory. The automobile liability insurance will pay caused by car you damage the enemy.
These include personal, property and financial losses. Your own damage from the Auto insurance is not paid. In the selection of insurance rates are different levels of cover offered. Recommended are policies with EUR 100 million sum insured. Comprehensive insurance: For the full comprehensive insurance is a voluntary insurance.
Comprehensive insurance pays even caused damage to your own vehicle. In the scope of insurance but also damage due to theft, glass breakage, game, fire, lightning, etc. included. A comprehensive insurance is recommended for new vehicles and vehicles with a high value. CDW cover: The third party insurance as the comprehensive policy of voluntary insurance. Through a third party insurance but does not itself damage caused to your own vehicle paid off, as well as any damage caused by vandalism. The other is similar but the scope of insurance, fully comprehensive insurance. A third party insurance it can be worthwhile even for older vehicles. Personal Insurance: is often used as supplemental or Insurance with car insurance with the service. This is, however, is an unnecessary insurance. All damages are paid by the passenger motor vehicle liability insurance caused the accident, including your or the opponent. For a car driver himself why a general insurance is advisable. Of protection: The safe-that is often offered in addition to automobile insurance, is also voluntary. About the costs of protection breakdowns, but also in case of accidents are settled. This includes, among other things, rescues, towing, Mietwaagen, hotels, etc. Check before concluding that additional insurance if you have a membership may not be secured by a car club in your rate. Traffic insurance: the traffic insurance is a voluntary supplementary insurance policy. She pays including attorneys’ fees, court costs, witness fees, etc., and assessment costs, etc. after an accident, or for a car purchase. About Traffic insurance you are insured as a pedestrian on the road. Because accidents often quarreled over the question of guilt, this is a useful supplement insurance. In summary one can say doubt that car insurance is needed. A passenger insurance is definitely recommended not compulsory. Who is on insurance comparisons cheap car insurance one can invest the saved money but makes sense in a traffic insurance, which can not hurt in any case.