Alberto degrees 20 m that for entities is a price to pay for some services rendered, for many serves for even more profit to a few executives with exorbitant salaries. Despite the economic crisis, the commissions have increased in recent years. The banks and have various committees. Commissions. That Word hated when we rrimos to banks and savings banks. That for financial institutions is a price to pay for some services, for many citizens, not to say most, is a mechanism for even more profit to companies whose executives a year earn exorbitant salaries.
Even the Minister of labour and immigration, Valeriano Gomez, commented that the obscene salaries of bankers are behind the emergence of the financial crisis. Crisis. Another damn Word. It is not surprising that every time you look at more with magnifying glass that is paid by a bank account or make a transfer. Neither the bad economic situation in recent years has curbed banks at the time of reduce their commissions.
Moreover, they have increased. For example, if currently financial institutions charge customers an average six-month value of 25,80 EUR for the maintenance of their accounts, two years ago (already immersed in the economic crisis) that average amount it was 20.80 euros. Five euros of difference. They are data from the Bank of Spain, which demonstrate how the increase in commissions is general in other sections such as transfers (its price has risen by more than 20% in two years), the credit and debit cards (annual fees have grown between 9% and 16% from June 2009) or the use of ATMs (asset’scarryingamount have increasingly is more expensive). All commissions may vary, up or down, depending on certain conditions that should always be taken into account: for example, if it’s a young person or a retiree, if high-end payroll, the balance of means on the account, etc.