True love is real and walk right outlasts all tangled …einem Christine Kabus with Norway novel “In the land of the vast fjords” on travel in a natural world of Norway full of magical abundance in the period around 1940 during the turmoil of the war takes us and reveals a family secret until the year 2010 undissolved Norway – land of the endless mountains, home to clear fjords and untouched nature and source of inspiration of many announcements + fair. Now, where the days are shorter and darker, we feel this deep yearning after warming log fires, delicately fragrant cakes with candlelight and a book. It is the atmosphere in which we combine with Norway. This country, which is inherent in the magic of enchanted Inviolacy of nature, unusual mountains and glaciers, leads the main character of the novel to a long-kept family secret. She discovered their lives recently and has to learn that she must give this another direction.
Acts for Lisa – a modern, young woman – her life despite chaos in the best order, up to the Time, where she learns that her late mother was adopted and Lisa’s long family is not their birth. Her only clue is an old Medallion which leads them through their research in the Norway occupied by the German Wehrmacht. She learns from a wonderful, special love, which may not have at this time. Precisely this love carries the family mystery unresolved until 2010. The author writes Christine Kabus skillfully equally on two time levels. The occupation require special tact by the German Wehrmacht and its impact on the respective families in addition to clean search man and his feelings to the fore. The vividness of their written word shows her great love for Norway together with lifestyle and culinary delights.
And it shows her great love for the people, she always fast friendly and multifaceted approaches in the novel with sensitive care. Christine Kabus won her Norway novel equal to a debut success. Of this building Episode novel published in the spring of 2014, when Bastei Lubbe. Christine Evans studied German Philology and history. As dramaturg and Director’s Assistant, she worked at various theaters, then moved as a screenwriter in the film and television industry.