Henry Remak defines comparative literature is the study of literature beyond the borders of a particular country in and the study of the relation between literature and another area of knowledge or opinion, including art, painting, politics, sculpture etc, the comparison of literature with another one or others, and comparison of literature with other spheres of the expression human being. Comparative literature develops some lines of inquiry, including: the first one says respect to the destined research the theoretical problems and historical they are. Poe example, compared the aesthetic one says respect to the comparative study of literature with others disciplines artistic. As they are explicit include boardings historical and theoretical on the literary texts that are studied, as much as literature and of the involved culture, its education is the intertextualidade, that is presented, as much in its theoretical problems and its quality of literal phenomena in its operation. The imagologia studied with the literary and social imagination in relation to the representation of other evidences of that the representation for the image study. This image is the expression of a significant separation enters two types of cultural reality. Its purpose is to disclose to the ideological value and politician who can have aspects of a literary composition, while condensation of the ideas of the actions author with its social and cultural environment, while defying the cultural identity, in a dialgica relation where the identity and alteridade are assumed as more than a subject. The tematologia assigns the seek area that deals with the comparative study of literary subjects and myths, and emerges as a legacy of compared research of popular literature.
Since the Seventies, thematology affirms that, in its critical historical and hermeneutic one, with keys of reading and interpretativas hypotheses. Its objective is to interpret the variations and the metamorphoses of a literary subject throughout the time, to the light of its relations with historical, ideological and the intellectual one. Critical identification and the interpretation of a citizen inside of certain classroom of detector texts can act as ideological. The subject of a group of comparison of texts can show as imaginary a certainty is modulated in the time, through certain literary forms and inside of cultural spaces, defined and established bonds with the history of the ideas, ideologies, the sensitivity mentality.