Username: Deodato / wiser than Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Trotsky and Stalin ordered his assassination … the ampersand (et) is Latin and not English, as many believe, and it is a ligature of two letters …known as selective availability intentional degradation of the NAVSTAR GPS signal conducted by the Department of Defense of the United States until 2000 in order to avoid excessive precision of modern civil GPS receivers … the letter E is the most widely repeated in the Spanish language … prison experiment at Stanford was a known psychological study of human response to captivity, and the effects of social roles taxes that led to surprising results … platform. NET compiles the code to an intermediate language called MSIL … is believed that the Huygens probe landed near the shores of an ocean of methane on Saturn’s moon Titan, in January 2005 … the tomato is called in Italian pomodoro (golden apple “) because the first tomato variety that came to Italy in 1540 was yellow and not red …quasars (sources of quasi-stellar radio) are the most distant objects in the universe that we see Although seen with great difficulty, they emit more light than hundreds of galaxies together. … Benito Mussolini is so named because his father admired the Mexican president Benito Ju rez … if you count the seconds from when you see the glow of lightening until you hear thunder and then divide by three, you get the approximate distance in miles, that separates you from the storm … the Pirah is the only language known without words to express the colors and has no numbers or terms of quantification (eg “all / s”, “every”, “one / s”, “long / s”, etc. .) … Chinese has about 80,000 characters, but an educated person knows only between 4,000 and 5,000 for reading a newspaper are needed about 3,000 and the Japanese did not learn more than 1945 Chinese characters in school …Mandarin Chinese is the language most spoken in the world, with over 867.2 million speakers as mother tongue … few words of Czech as zmrzl, ztvrdl, scvrnkl, ctvrthrst seem to have no vowels, however, the sonority of consonants lyr vocal function covers … The Cure for Insomnia is the longest film in the history of cinema and lasts 5220 minutes (87 hours) …Esperanto language was created by Ludwik Zamenhof ophthalmologist with the goal of becoming a universal language and artificial language that is spoken in the world with over 2,000,000 speakers … tends to assume that the sand deserts are eminently when, for example, the world’s largest desert, the Sahara, only sand 20 The remaining area consists of rocky plains and plains covered with gravel. … koalas sleep 20 hours a day …food in space stations are normal, but they are prepared as a paste to stick to the spoon and not crumbly as floating pieces could damage tools and to asphyxiate the crew …