Formed in the early 1980s in Caracas by Pedro Romero and Javier Avellaneda “Old” on guitar, Fernando Batoni on bass and Ernesto Rodriguez replaced next year by Jose Felix Avellaneda “Pepe” – in the battery, with clear influence of British rock (post punk and Punk), in 1988 he joined the band the guitarist Alvaro Segura. Then, Zapato 3 was formed as a trio, with Javier Avellaneda, who also served as vocalist, Segura and Batoni, they used a drum machine.Shortly after the trio settle, Avellaneda leaves the group and was replaced by Carlos Segura who came from the band El Rastro, later, in 1989 and it defined his style more towards hard rock, joins the band again recorded Diego Marquez his first LP in 1993 he joined Jaime Verdaguer (which came from the radio band clip) on keyboards and Marquez leaves the group and was replaced by Rafael Cadavieco until they left the band in 1998 and was replaced by Cesar Dominguez, who recorded the last hard and be in the band during the last tour until 2000. In 2000 after many conflicts Cesar Dominguez, Jaime Segura Verdaguer and siblings leave the group and this marks the end of the band, their latest album Echoes of Yesterday stitching. Zapato 3 with numerous presentations around the country shared the stage with Soda Stereo, and The Union, it is noteworthy that also shared with public disorder, Sentimiento Muerto, Aditus, Caramelos de Cianuro, among others.International presentations on MTV such as Miami and Mexico. Alvaro Segura confome currently a band called Solar and is still next to his brother Charles, in mid August 2006 Jaime Verdaguer joins the band Solares.