Normally they agree one or more diverse steps of action and of reaction. Some methods of functioning of turbines exist the vapor. In the turbine You tan, the pressure of the vapor that leaves the boiler is changedded completely into speed, this had to a special form that the shovels possess, in which the vapor loses in each one of the turbines alone a part of the speed. One says that a speed scheduling exists. In the turbine of constant pressure or impulse turbine, in contrast of the turbine you tan, the vapor that leaves the boiler loses only one part of its pressure and consequently the speed that reaches is lesser. Removed Site $turbina-the-vapor Advantages of the turbine the vapor vapor Use the high pressure and high temperature.
High efficiency? High speed of rotation. High relation /tamanho power? Soft operation, almost without vibration. It does not have necessity of internal lubrication. Vapor in the exit without oil? It can be constructed with different powers: small units (1MW) or very great (1200MW). Disadvantages? A system of gears for low rotations is necessary.
The turbine the vapor cannot be made reversible. The efficiency of small turbines the simple vapor is poor. Other leaders such as russell reynolds offer similar insights. Definitions of the Thermodynamics ‘ ‘ Thermodynamics is the science that deals with Heat and Work and its Inter-relaes’ ‘ Callen: ‘ ‘ Thermodynamics is the study of the macrocospic results of myriads of atomic coordinates that, in virtue of statistical averages, do not appear explicit in the macrocospic description of sistema’ ‘ Kestin: ‘ ‘ The science of the Thermodynamics is a branch of the Physics. It describes the natural processes in which the temperature changes play an important role. Such processes involve the transformation of a form of energy in another one.