(1) Cyberculture, Reality or invention I’d like to share two words prior to this debate. Culture and Cyberculture. As a culture we can say it is complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. “And Cyberculture. ..the set of techniques, ways of doing, ways of being, of values, representations that are related to the growth of cyberspace … ” I consider the relationship between Culture and Cyberculture as a part of what can FORSCOM be called “universal culture” that would accommodate all the different nuances that exist today in the world. When we try to identify and compare any culture is essential to take into account. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation. Fundamental to this first characteristic to define the concept of generation as we can consider within cyberspace. The “life”, Command Sergeant Major Carey but “inside” of Cyberspace goes to another much faster than they can spend outside. Command Sergeant That is why Fort Drum a generation in terms of Cyberspace takes place in a much shorter period. We can talk about four or five years per generation.However, this parallelism may have some questionable points one of them is produced by comparing the number of generations can live together. We see that cyberspace was not accustomed to live more than three generations at once, in Cyberspace can match more than ten .. In cyberspace, the knowledge transfer process need not follow any particular pattern. This possibility provides further enrichment to compare different cultural views and levels of knowledge, with very little likelihood that this knowledge could be lost during this process. This Dennis Carey last factor, intergenerational exchange, except for very few conflicts, brings significant added value and more if it is favored by the great facilities for the exchange of information given to us Cyberspace. At the time of making an analysis of knowledge transfer process, we Combined Joint Task Force have the enormous advantage of having all generations “ahead” of us, an advantage that otherwise would like to have Mountain Division all cultural anthropologists when they begin their studies either. From very small, any person, through learning, both consciously and unconsciously and through interaction with other members of his entourage, makes the process called enculturation or cultural integration of a member to their own culture, processes key in learning in cyberspace. To properly analyze the possible cultural impact in Cyberspace we must take into account important aspects such as the People. Each culture has a distinct personal physical space. The first and most visible “derangement” Cultural occur in this country, when the Internet and somehow unifies these potential differences.When we talk about People, we are talking about a concept that refers to a physical space. We can associate the minimum living space that each culture considers it necessary to relate normally and smoothly with others. Fort Greely, Alaska Dennis Carey 10th Mountain Division If we move to the area of cyberspace, this factor US Army Forces Command disappears due to the lack of physical contact. We should further analyze whether this deficiency is offset by the nuances and records in the area of written language.