Program participant Au-pair does not work more than 30 hours per week: 5 days a week at 6:00 or 6 times a week for 5 hours. Be sure to at least one day in week should be output. And if the family and member of Au-pair were very friendly, it is usually the weekend they spend together: go out of town to the park, the zoo, the nature. But with the host, as in love, may be lucky, but maybe not. Yellow Jackets often addresses the matter in his writings. Sometimes the party Au-pair and family do not find a common language and they have to leave, sometimes family overload assistant job or given the opportunity to attend language courses. For his work Au-pair gets a small salary to pocket expenses, the family also provides shelter, food and insurance. I was not very caring family. For example, I was fed once a day at lunch, were given a packet of pasta for me and two children.
I highly recommend the program Au-pair young people who only advise to carefully choose the family. – It is difficult to study in Germany? – Sure. First of all, at first reading speed is very low. Literally every word has to look in the dictionary, because you read an ad hoc literature and the terminology is not taught in a language course. Very difficult to write reports. As a result, you are in all respects slows down at least three times. The truth eventually it passes.
Difficult to pass examinations in German universities. It is mainly written exams, and no preliminary lists of issues. The instructor can set any theme, including outside the program. It is very difficult in Germany to receive appreciation on the exam. But You can go practice in the workplace, and there to write a diploma. This gives students the opportunity to acquire practical skills and acquire contacts in the industry, and maybe find a job. Let's just say, in Germany to learn difficult, but prospects in comparison with the Ukrainian universities, space. So the result is worth the effort. – A lot of "our", Russian, currently studying in Hamburg and in general all over Germany? – Quite a few. However, among students Russian lower than the Turks, Chinese, Indians. When I arrived in the Technical University of Munich, I was the first in a Ukrainian studio program on information networks. But in general in Germany quite a lot of Russian immigrants. Almost all my friends – Russian. Say what you like, but the native mentality – the most intimate and friendly. – What you wish compatriots who are just going to study in Germany? Is it worth it? Why worry? – Oh! Here I 'll be completely optimistic. MUCH! Always worth. This is a wonderful opportunity to live in a normal country. Sometimes difficult, but if you suffer, then you can reap the fruits of their labors, and it will not happen in the next life, and just a few years. Do not be afraid of the financial difficulties for the students here the sea opportunity to earn as a specialty, and not their specialty. I happened to 2 part-but it could have and 5 podrabotok. The main thing – do not be lazy. Studying abroad provides the opportunity to learn foreign languages and culture, learn something new, to get a lot of friends, seeing the world. Need to fear no one but himself, his laziness. More Nothing to fear is not necessary. Suitcase – education abroad