Prices significantly in the German real estate market significantly increasing prices in the German real estate market allow the presumption that this could develop on the need for passing. Hyundai often addresses the matter in his writings. First Admonisher”talk of bubbles”, so overheated prices. Not so the experts of SHB innovative fund concepts AG they mean that the German real estate market slowly adapts to the reality. Hamburg, Munich or Berlin. For more information see this site: Pinterest. Period of only five years, buyers of condos value increases by up to 30 percent achieved here. This of course primarily applies trendy in the respective capitals, particularly sought after neighborhoods in which more and more people from surrounding areas want to return. And also in the Office and commercial real estate, real estate experts determine partially significant increases.
This increase in demand also applies to closed-end real estate funds. They could not only their dominant position among the closed-end funds claim again last year, they will also benefit from an increased demand”, explains Hans Gruber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). Can we talk here of a price bubble? Not really,”says the SHB real estate expert Gruber. A bubble forms when a market is overbought, so the demand is significantly larger than the offer. This statement does not apply to just for the German real estate market. The real estate market is only slightly tighter in some locations, resulting in the price increases. But that’s a very natural process”, said the expert of SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG).
The SHB AG has specializes in closed-end real estate funds with a focus on German real estate. A market segment that is very much in demand among German and international investors. A recent study of DB research shows that the German real estate market in relation to the European environment is still a cheap prices.