There are many designs of mobile banner stands. All banner stands are designed to accommodate large graphic panels and banners, usually measuring 200 cm – height and 80 cm or 85 cm – width. Among the popular models: L-banner, is usually very easy and inexpensive X-banners, most economical, stable, lightweight, because usually made of carbon fiber. X-banners come in different sizes, if you are looking for a small stand, for example 60h160 cm, you certainly fit the X-banner. Typically, X-banners are also large, up to 120 cm wide. X-banner is a lot of space (there is an option and with a small area of support), but if space allows, it is rather the dignity of the stand, because than more area of support, the more stable the stand, especially a light as the X-banner. Russian manufacturers are doing a good mobile stand 'Stella'. This mobile stand, on the contrary, different small footprint, but thanks its weight, it is one of the most stable stands.
But with all the merits of different models of mobile exhibition stands, the favorite, without any exaggeration, is a portable stand Roll Up. C each year of the sale stand increase exponentially in time, like other mobile stands are usually taken and loved them accustomed to regular customers. Roll up – a small (banner), mobile stand. Stand roll-up refers to the roller mobile exhibition stands. The design of the mobile stand Roll Up consists of a base, which is twisted into a banner for storage, foldable backboard support banner and the upper ceiling to that banner is attached with adhesive tape or fixed within the aluminum. The main feature of the mobile stand Roll-up, a spring mechanism at the base of the stand, addictive graphic panels (Banner) inside the base when removing a banner from the support.
The design of the stand Roll Up is the built-drum roller with a spring take-up, which allows graphic panels to fold into the base. Such a system Storage graphic panels can best protect the banner from mechanical damage. When you install the mobile stand roll up panel (banner) is pulled out of the ground and attached to the vertical support. Vertical support – skladnaya.Zamenit graphic panels easily with a special key that protects the spring from twisting and pulling a banner at the bottom. Stability Stand Roll-up attached to swivel economy class legs. In the more expensive models (New Rolup, roll up with cartridge) feet are not required so a large area of the base of the stand provides sufficient stability.