The lead is a dangerous material that can cause serious damages in the human beings if it is absorbed in high levels, especially in children. Obvious, the smaller children of 6 years are those that run a greater risk to contract the envenenamiento by lead since they are in the age tip of his growth. The lead can be absorbed by the body the inhaled being, ingested, or in a small one I number of cases, even absorbed through the skin. If the body absorbs lead levels high, especially the one of the children, their effects can cause a diminution of the bony and muscular growth, damage in the nervous system, neurological problems of the speech and problems generally. The lead in the imitation jewellery was seen very seriously in the 2004, when State of Californian beginning a legal action against the most important stores of imitation jewellery, protesting that these retailers of imitation jewellery were against Proposal 65, an execution law that was " conceived by its authors to protect to the citizens of California and the potable water sources of the State, of the chemical agents that can cause cancer, reproductive defects of birth or other damages, and to inform to citizen on the exhibition to those products qumicos." Whereas the imitation jewellery is not the main source of exhibition to the lead, the danger of envenenamiento by lead in the imitation jewellery can happen when the children chew or swallow imitation jewellery pieces that contain high lead levels. The imitation jewellery of piercing, like earrings or imitation jewellery of the body, obvious, is of greater risk than for example a necklace or a bracelet. With the purpose of to protect to the children of the exhibition of the lead in the imitation jewellery, the Project of Law 1,681 the 1 of September of 2007 was promulgated like Law by the State of California affirming that " one prohibits a person him, from the 01 of March of the 2008, the manufacture, the marine transport, the sale or the supply of sale of imitation jewellery of sale retail in the state, unless the imitation jewellery this doing completely of specified materials. .