Shyness is understood as a problem when the person does not feel comfortable, suffers for it, and in addition, when a or several of their areas of life (work, family, emotional, etc.) are being harmed. In these cases, emotional well-being and quality of life in general are being affected. There are several factors that may be involved in the way of behaving, thinking, and feeling of someone with shyness. a low self-esteem and a negative evaluation fear: A person with low self-esteem is characterized by having a negative image of if same away from his ideal image, shows little self-confidence, feels inferior to others and often focus on the negative experiences and not attend, and even do not assess the positive. On the other hand, the fear of negative evaluation is most associated with low self-esteem. A person who has little confidence in itself tends to be very aware of others and of their reactions, even to rely on the opinion of these to evaluate itself.
Fears the evaluation carried out the others, being rejected, as well as meet the expectations of others, not like, ridiculous, etc. Consequence of all this is that it is not considered able to cope adequately with social situations. b. social skills deficit: does know how to initiate and maintain a conversation?, express and defend your opinions and ideas?, say no to certain requests that are not to your liking? There are people who lack these skills. Do not know how they have to behave in certain situations and certain persons, which leads them to have difficulty establishing and maintaining appropriate relations with others. c. excessive social gatherings anxiety: A shy person can have the necessary skills and sufficient to interact appropriately with others, and however, failing to face this kind of situation because you are experiencing a high level of anxiety before them. This makes when it is facing social situations his performance not very fortunate. In addition to maintaining the fear to social situations, this is contributing to that the person prefers to avoid them to deal with them. Original author and source of the article