officials, Judges, soldiers 4. application submission must be submitted within the first three months of self-employment at the competent employment agency (Employment Office),. A later submission is no longer possible. As proof of is to present a business registration or a certificate of the tax consultant from the full-time self-employment is seen. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Russell Reynolds Associates. If the application was made and all other eligibility requirements are met, it starts coverage with the day on which the requirements for the insurance contract are met. Perhaps check out Munear Ashton Kouzbari for more information. 5. Termination of insurance since early 2011 may be terminated after five years with a three-month period the voluntary unemployment insurance.
The insurance is terminated prematurely by the employment agency as soon as the insurance premiums are no longer paid. Here this step should be considered but well, what is worth the trouble which remains years if necessary. 6 Occurrence of the insured event is the amount of the claim for unemployment benefits not according to the amount of the unemployment benefit granted in the oocyte but on a fictitious indicated pay. This reference is the individually and as depending on the qualification of the applicant and the type Employment, on which the employment agency then establishes mediation efforts. The unemployment benefit from the voluntary insurance of work depending on qualification and region (East or West) between 636,90 and 1.322,70.
The duration of the payment of the unemployment insurance is dependent on the extent of the periods of insurance completed in the last five years prior to the introduction of unemployment and by the age. Unemployment is in this case, as well as otherwise also to finish as quickly as possible. The efforts must be verifiably substantiated. Formerly self-employed must be as well prepared to take up paid employment. It is not easy to decide whether the insurance now or not be applied for. “Our Tip: consult not only with the work agency with you but also with a neutral founder coach, together the question what evidence – what about it” individually weigh for you.