Venezuela and United States: A Bilateral relationship the relationship between Venezuela and the United States in recent years has been a radical antagonism, at least in the ideological aspect (discursive). The years prior to the takeover of Barak Obama as President of the United States, they were marked by a constant confrontation of Hugo Chavez towards the figure of then-President George W. Bush. Apart from the statements of smells of sulfur, and the recent nationalization of the Isla Margarita Hilton Hotel, confrontation diplomacy has been a strategy of Hugo Chavez to achieve specific goals both in the region and internationally. There are three aspects which have marked the relationship Venezuela – United States: 1.
the search for Hugo Chavez of regional integration that excludes United States, primarily through organizations such as the ALBA (Bolivarian alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean) and the rejection of the FTAA (free trade of the Americas Area). Hugo Chavez has built alliances with countries with an orientation from left such as Cuba, Honduras (Zelaya), Argentina, and to some extent Brazil; all of them based on a deeply anti-American, anti-imperialist discourse. 2. The petroleum: Venezuela is the fifth exporter of petroleum in the world and United States accounts for 50% of its exports. This fact gives a light other than the relationship between the two countries that even though it is marked by confrontation, has not come to affect (and will not affect) the business relationship, at least in the petroleum sector. 3. Relations with the axis of evil: another element of tension between the two countries are the ties that Venezuela has created with countries considered-enemies – or threats to United States: Korea North (in 2006, for example, in the midst of the tensions generated by the launches of North Korean missiles capable of reaching the American continent between United States and North KoreVenezuela not only defended the right of the North Koreans to perform tests with armaments, but that in addition He announced that he could visit North Korea in the coming months); (e) Iran (through the defense of its right to continue its nuclear program and several visits of the leaders of both countries to their respective countries). Relations with Russia intracoronary and strengthened through various travel, as well as the purchase of weapons and Russian tanks, scientific cooperation, technological and military are other activities that have caused nervousness in the United States.
Tomas Carlyle claimed that the history of the world is the biography of great men. Currently, in the Venezuela-United States querelacion the foregoing is decisive: the first because Venezuela, land of warlords as almost all the countries of Latin America, has been found in United States with another leader, Barak Obama. We would then expect that the relationship between the two countries will be strongly influenced by the charisma and personality of both Presidents Mariana Morante Aguirre. Tab curriculum degree in international relations by the Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara. Dedicated to studies on the power, the role of the individual and collectivity in the current world system configuration.