To fight against the disease, is inform and clean up with wrong nutrition lessons Jutta Schutz was born in Lebach, Saarland and now lives with her family in Bruchsal near Karlsruhe, Germany. In 2008 the publishing house publishes your self-help book tredition suddenly diabetes”, last year she gave Edition the book in the second. In the self-help book “suddenly diabetes” portrays the author in a loose way, diabetes in a Diary style, about their own disease and settles with false teachings of nutrition. It describes their way out of the metabolic disorder without medication, and only with the help of a complete nutrition. Her book differs greatly from the diabetic books, which are written from the point of view of doctors and scientists. As self interested party she would like to encourage all diabetics with type 2.
Carmen Hardock talked weekly for the BRUCHSALER Jutta Schutz of the book and the disease diabetes. “Hardock (H): woman contactor, what has led you to write this book?” Schutz (Sch): If I count up all the reasons here, it blows up our interview, but the mere fact that the World Diabetes Day is diabetes as a global epidemic, is reason enough. There are currently some 283.3 million diabetics worldwide and every day come to 17,280 new patients. I wanted to swallow no drugs and let me know the day the diagnosis almost nonstop about this disease. My husband told me that it was very important to play my information collected in a book. H: we know now your motivation to write. But why is it important to inform the people for you as self interested party? We are, after all, the country with the most doctors…” “Sch: because I must unfortunately conclude that diabetics at all not are informed, what they themselves can do, to combat diabetes.” H: but diabetics are trained but sufficient.