Carlos Mora Vanegas costs to those who are immersed in teaching for years, both at the level of pre and postgraduate, see how they are wasted opportunities involving the University, its participants in the national reality, in this case, in the serious problems facing the Venezuelan reality, where your business sector is facing one of its most significant crises in recent years coming to disappear a good number of companies, especially SMEs, seriously influencing the productivity of the country. The career of administration of the school of administration of Faces, of the University of Carabobo within its pemsum of studies includes the problematic of the Venezuelan Administration subject, matter that we always pointed out should not be in the place that has planned study, since to optimize their learning it should be pronounced at the end of the race, taken advantage of the comprehensive training that already the participants bring and thus able to understand, scope, impact benefits generated by matter in its professional training, enabling them to the participant delve into the reality of that face companies in the achievement of its objectives, performance, product of his actions and all incidences of the surrounding variables that are generated in the environment where they operate, especially that of the State. When we desempenabamos as titular teachers of the subject, before our retirement, we committed ourselves to maintain a dynamic chair that not only understood the analysis, study of different problems arising from undertakings in relation to the administrative management of performance in the environment where they operate, but, to provide suggestions, proposals and solutions that would benefit the companies, organizations for their successful development. . Emphasis on providing knowledge, tools that would allow participants linked directly with the companies, evaluate your behavior, determine administrative problems more relevant, product of the effects of the variables of contingencies, especially that of the State with its actions, globalization, new business openings, the demand of consumers, technology, new administrative approaches. .