
The operating system is breasts a microvibraciones causing a rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles at a rate well above the traditional training (30-50 contractions per second). This should achieve the same performance that a traditional system, but in a smaller space of time, and without need of movement or a bustline very small (different positions on the platform). So this is specially recommended for people with overweight or elderly. Though I don’t believe in magic, fitness program is the closest thing to it. My am totally satisfied with my bustline now. But, by working directly on the muscles, bones and tendons without requiring a physical effort, does not develop cardiovascular capacity.

Times Online
Tired of the treadmill “We rounded some alternative workouts to be a boxing ring, gym or park near you
breast enhancer Daily Telegraph
A new mountain bike simulator can deposit mudsplattered freezing and monotonous hours in the gym to cycling history. But it will convince you swap your running shoes for padded shorts’
Daily Telegraph
A new mountain bike simulator can deposit mudsplattered freezing and shape your bust monotonous hours in the gym cycling history . But it will convince you swap your running shoes for padded shorts’
Daily Telegraph
A new mountain bike simulator can deposit mudsplattered freezing and monotonous hours in the gym cycling history . But it will convince you swap your running shoes for padded shorts’

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