System Study and Class B All three poles that characterized the industry in those days were the studio system, the star system and genre films, which ensured the maximization of benefits at least cost. The Night of the Living Dead, one of the most revered films and independent film series b. The company will endeavor to control production, distribution and exhibition, the latter being the most important. However, the fall of the hearing rooms, because of the economic depression of 1929 in the United States, forced the Majors to rethink its system. Then they began to present dual functions in addition to the premieres. In the first tour, a film was screened in special theaters premiere. The entrance fee was more expensive than any other film (between 1 and 1.25). In the following tour, the ticket price was decreasing (40 to 75 cents), to capture the public so he could not attend the premiere.In addition, it began offering a second feature film consisting of Class B. The time that passed between a tour and another, or the revival in smaller rooms was called DMZ. And so often repeated tours, and in such popular films like The last refuge, people could go and see them in a fourth tour, which already was paying only 25 cents per entry. With this strategy, studies guaranteed their theater chains profits higher as the Boards that denied the possibility of presenting independent films when they wish. So the Majors chose to start spending two films for the price of one. The second would be a low budget film, which transform the film’s main attraction in Class A, and additional Class B film, a classification adopted by the studies themselves and widespread over time. By 1935 the major theater chains had adopted this system of dual function.The following year 75 of cinemas have taken the double role. For all the major studios that had formed special units dedicated solely to producing movies Class B, run by producers who knew every aspect of low-budget film. Examples include the creation of the film department of RKO Class B, which in the early forties put in charge of that department to Val Lewton. The first film to go was La mujer pantera (1942). His investment was only 130 thousand dollars, coming to raise three million. Lewton had called for the film director Jacques Tourneur, with whom he made three more films along the same lines and raising similar sums. He continued to make films and other directors, but all with similar success. So did the other studies. Each had its roster of actors, directors, writers and technicians, especially dedicated to producing films Class B.