What is what is negotiated? From purchase of data from credit cards and spam submissions, up to premeditated attacks and rental of spaces to host illegal material. CursosBolsa.com/AnalisisTecnico gives us, provided there is money at stake, you can expect that somehow emerges a black market that tries to escape from the regulations. And a recent study, carried out by the Spanish company of computer security, GData, reveals the amount of money that moves the Internet. Do we mean exactly when we talk about black market? Encapsulates the reference from purchases of custom-made viruses and credit card data, until classic consignments of Spam.El more revealing fact from the study is the total sum of money. A year, the Internet black market moves almost 70,000 million, in where most transactions occur in secure accommodation provided by cyber criminals.
And we mean that it is a market because the types of transactions are varied, from purchase of data from credit cards and shipping of spam, m up to premeditated attacks and rentals of spaces to host illegal material such as child pornography. As revealed the Spanish company, the main problem is due to the well organized which is the black market. For example, by this medium can be a credit card data for 300. On the other hand, the sending of spam (a million emails) can be contracted by 800. All this organization is supported by forums and illegal shops located in secure accommodation where buyers and sellers can discuss their plans without disturbances.Moreover, the level of organization by moments rubs the ridiculous in the case of certain stores that offer discount by volume and money back, in case that the given data are erroneous. This is just another an example of the many hazards that can be found on the web. Dangers that anti-virus developers have noted on several occasions and people, as the creator of the Internet, have suffered.
True, that ecodiario.eleconomista.es points out, North Korea has had to soften the measures against the black market, to verify that these measures have generated clashes between the population and the security forces, as reported today Thursday the national service of intelligence of South Korea. Since the famine of the late 1990s that killed 5% of the population, North Korean citizens increasingly to the black market to acquire basic products not provided by the damaged the State distribution system. The North Korean authorities had taken strong measures to stop smuggling and trade in food on the black market which generated clashes between the population and the policemen patrolling places where the market is established. To end the unrest, the controls have softened and the measures of security against these markets, reported a high South Korean intelligence service responsible.