Scheduling classes and features There are several classifications of the planning. According to Stoner, managers use two basic types of planning. Strategic planning and operational planning. Strategic planning is designed to meet the overall goals of the organization, while operational planning shows how you can implement strategic plans in daily life. The strategic plans and operational plans are linked to the definition of the mission of an organization, the overall goal that justifies the existence of an organization. The strategic plans of the operational plans differ in their time horizon, scope and degree of detail. Strategic planning is long-term planning that focuses the organization as a whole.Closely linked to the concept of strategic planning are the following: a) strategy, b) strategic management, c) how to formulate a strategy. Strategy: a plan is comprehensive, unified and integrated approach that relates the strategic advantages of a firm with environmental challenges and is designed to achieve the objectives of the organization long term is the response of the organization to its environment in Over time, it is also the outcome of strategic planning. Also, for a useful strategy must be consistent with organizational objectives. Strategic Management: the process followed for an organization to make strategic planning and then act on those plans.In general it is thought that the strategic management process consists of four continuous sequential steps: a) formulation of the strategy, b) implementation of the strategy, c) measuring the results of the strategy and d) evaluation of the strategy. Formulating a strategy is a process that involves answering four basic questions. These questions are: What are the purpose and objectives of the organization , “Where is the current leader of the organization , What type of environment the organization is, What can be done to achieve a better way organizational objectives in the future Operational planning is to formulate short-term plans that emphasize different parts of the organization. It is used to describe what the various parts of the organization must do to make the company successful in the short term.According to Jimenez Castro Wilburg planning can be classified according to their purposes in three main types are not mutually exclusive, they are: a) Operational Planning, b) Economic and Social Planning, c) Physical Planning and Territorial. According to the period covered may be: a) short term b) Medium term, c) long term. Operational Planning and Management: is defined as the design of a desired future state for an entity and effective ways to achieve it (R. Ackoff, 1970). “Economic and Social Planning: is defined as the inventory of resources and needs and setting goals and programs that have to manage these resources to meet these requirements, pertaining to economic and social improvement of the country.Physical Planning and Territorial: could be defined as the adoption of programs and appropriate standards for the development of natural resources, among which include agricultural products, minerals and electricity, etc., And also to the growth of cities or regional development and rural settlements. Short-term Planning: The period covered is one year. Medium-term planning: the period it covers is more than one year and less than five. Long-term Planning: The period covered is more than five years “(W. Jimenez C., 1982) According to Cortes, the plans may also be classified according to functional area responsible for compliance: Production Plan, Plan Maintenance, Marketing Plan, Financial Plan, Business Plan. Depending on the scope, plans can be classified as: 1. intradepartmental, if applied to a department. Example: mechanical maintenance plan. 2.Interdepartmental, they affect more than one department, examples: industrial safety plan. 3. For the entire organization. Example: Budget. 4. They can also be considered as policy plans, procedures, rules and working methods. Policies are general or broad directives that establish guidelines for decision making. Example: internal promotion of staff. Procedures are rules that establish the conventional form of organized activities to achieve a goal. Example: closure of a financial year. The methods are systematic and structured ways to perform activities efficiently. The rules are tight regulations that define in detail the steps and actions to perform repetitive activities.