At the time of deciding which is the program of affiliates that better fits with our site and to choose the best publicity for your Web, at the top come certain doubts to us that are difficult to solve, but when they are not had much idea on the subject or is not exactly known what to do and what platform to choose. Google Adsense is one of the most well-known and more effective platforms, besides being very profitable, if it is known to use, but exist many more than equals can even provide us and better results. There am a small sample of some platforms of publicity for your Web here that can be very useful: Affiliation Advertising platform, is focused so much to advertisers as to webmasters. Affiliation, aid to the companies and the professionals of marketing with a really effective method to catch qualified contacts, and to webmasters offers the opportunity to them to make money by Internet with its pages, as well as to increase the value of the same. Payment by CPM, clicks, registry and sale.
Affiliate Future Promising company of publicity for your Web with several systems of announcements, clicks, registries, sales and a quite effective program of affiliates. Afiliatrix It has a program of affiliates and would be a good alternative of publicity for your Web, but it does not seem to have many movements, is question to try. Antevenio – Costeporclick – Anteveniocontextual Antevenio, is a good option of publicity for your Web, Spanish society of publicity, founded on Madrid in 1997, was one of the first companies of publicity online in Spain. Leader in the market, and of recognized prestige, has new vestibules very similar to Adsense de Google, offering when webmaster the possibility of choosing contextual publicity and of making money by Internet with each click. Assistme New alternative of publicity for your Web, although at the moment does not have many affiliates. You can make money by Internet by each person who one to them from your page since it has a very good program of affiliates. This is a small sample of some platforms of publicity and programs of affiliates with which obtendras the best publicity for your Web.