1.5.1 – 1 PERIOD OF TRAINING – Motor Sensrio According to Gomes, psychologist (2010) in this phase that occurs until the 02 years of age, the child goes acquiring motor abilities and increasing its autonomy. The preference of the child in this phase is the soil, it leaves the cradle and with joy in the attempts of imitation of it speaks, learns to discover the pleasure in the body. He discovers through the tricks to the return the exploration of objects through the directions, the motor action and the manipulation. For Piaget (1999), on this phase, approximately to the two years of age, the child is based exclusively on the practical one: to beat in a box, to catch an object, to play a ball etc. The projects sensrio motor are constructed from innate, used consequences for the baby to deal with the environment.

already for Hunter (2005, p.21), ' ' the child perceives the environment and acts on ele' '. The author still places that since the first days of life, the child perceives visual stimulation, auditory and tctil. He is not recommended to the use of mbiles of cradle of the baby, toys special to shake, to absorb, to balance, etc. From basic the neurological consequences, the baby starts to construct action projects to assimilate the way mentally. In this motor sensrio period it is where the social interaction of the child sufficiently is limited, predominates the isolated toy, more than exploratrio character, where the child seems to explore the potentialities of objects. In such a way, a playful character can already be perceived in as sub-period of training of the sensrio-engine (between 1 and 4 messes of age) when the baby executes the primary reactions circular, that go to include in adaptativo element, the direction that they give to the baby a form to explore itself proper and to the surrounding environment, but that they also include an element, when repeated many and many times playful, what if manifest for the smile or even though for the laugh, in the case of the developed baby more.

The child, in this phase, demands necessity of attendance permanently individualizado of the professor to work with each one of the babies, every day, observing the reactions, the characteristics and the individual development. The professor must have conscience that the materials (toys and other objects as boxes, cloths, balls, rings, bambols, cubes, fancies, etc.) are intermediate and supporters of the adult relation/child and child/child. It is advisable that if he organizes the environment that will have to be aconchegante and challenging, allowing the free exploration of the babies, with diversity of materials, that will go to contribute for its development, being favored the curiosity and making possible many discoveries. The necessary baby of the physical contact with the people, so that he constructs a positive auto-image and he can face the challenges that will be considered to it throughout its growth. He is important that the professor establishes one strong affective relation with the babies, talking very with them singing frequent songs, that can to contribute for the development of the language. 1.5.2 – 2 PERIOD OF TRAINING: Daily pay? Operatrio. According to Piaget (1999) this phase, of the 02 to the 07 years, approximately, allows the child to make use, beyond constructed practical intelligence in the previous phase of the possibility of action project interiorizados, calls of representative or symbolic projects. This phase is common to the child to be self-centered, that is, he is autocent