JP Morgan Company (Morgan Bank) John Pierpont Morgan. In 1895, Drexel, Morgan Co. took the name of JP Morgan Co. (see: John Pierpont Morgan), which financed the activities of the United States Steel Corporation took over the business of Andrew Carnegie and others and was the first company the world to exceed one billion dollars of capital. In 1895 he provided the U.S. government 62 million in gold for a bond issue and restore the treasury surplus. In 1892 began funding the railways of New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to transform, through a series of acquisitions, the dominant transport company in New England. Its main competitor, Kuhn, Loeb Co., was more successful in advising and financing companies productive and JP Morgan lost the top spot in market capitalization ranking of companies. Kuhn, Loeb Co. after a series of mergers and reorganizations would become at Lehman Brothers. In August 1914, Henry P.Davison, a member of the Morgan Bank, traveled to England and made an agreement with the Bank of England to make JP Morgan Co. the monopoly issuer of the bonds of war to England and France. The Bank of England was the fiscal agent of JP Morgan Co. and vice versa. The bank also invested in equipment supplies of war for both countries. The head office built in 1914 at No. 23 Wall Street, and known coma Morgan House, was for decades the most important of American finance. On September 16, 1920 a bomb was detonated in front of the House of Morgan on Wall Street, killing 38 people and wounding 400. The attack was unresolved. On September 16, 1920 was detonated a bomb that killed 38 people and wounded 400. A bit later, a warning note in a mailbox on the corner of Cedar Street and Broadway that read: “Remember that no longer tolerate. Release political prisoners or it will be certain death to you all. American Anarchist Fighters. “All kinds of theories have been raised about this attack. In 1940, after 20 years of investigations, the FBI closed the case without finding the perpetrators. In the decade of the 30 JP Morgan was forced by the Glass-Steagall Act (w: in: Glass-Steagall Act) to choose between developing commercial banking or investment banking, choosing the former because it was seen as more profitable in that time. Faced with this change, many members of JP Morgan with some of Drexel decided to create the group now known as Morgan Stanley. In 1959 it merged with Guaranty Trust Company of New York to form Morgan Guaranty Trust Company. Ten years later founded a subsidiary called bank JP Morgan Co. Incorporated, as their parents. In the late 90s when it was acquired by Manhattan Chasse, a series of reforms to the Glass-Steagall Act allowed him to return to acting as an investment bank. JP Morgan was advisor to Malcolm Glazer family on the purchase of Manchester United, but was later removed. In 2006, JPMorgan Chase bought Collegiate Funding Services, LLC, and created Chase Education Finance. In the first quarter of 2007, JP Morgan Chase have reported net income of 4.9 billion and record profits of 19 billion dollars.