Joint press release of the task force and the BDK to the day of action against female genital mutilation on February 06, Berlin/Hamburg, the 04.02.2011. “To the international day of zero tolerance to female genital mutilation” the task force and the Federal of German detective (BDK) remind on the 6th February, that female genital mutilation is a largely underestimated problem of girls in Germany: between 30,000 and 50,000 underage girls are considered in Germany at risk, especially during holiday travel in the country of their parents. Up to 80% of these girls from high risk countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea are actually subjected to female genital mutilation. The frequently requested approach of education and information is a systematic crimes of this magnitude”missed as a current case illustrates: the Gambia-born parents of the now 16 year-old Mariama C. was well aware that the mutilation in Germany is punishable by law.
That is why the girl living in Hamburg was jointly with three sisters to Gambia officially on holiday “and there subjected to female genital mutilation. Despite specific warnings in advance, no authority responded with appropriate safeguards, such as E.g. the deprivation of the right of residence determination. Even many youth offices find it hard (up with some noble exceptions) to take effective measures to fend off this special abuse together with the family courts. Office employees also at professional risk seems how social to be simply inconceivable well-integrated families a serious fallacy (see study on education and social milieu for offender groups in Europe situation/Europe /). The protection of vulnerable children in Germany no longer the courageous action of individuals depend, recite the instructions for the authorities.
Measured on the severity and the ubiquity of crime, this situation is unacceptable. Therefore at last effective government measures should be discussed, the comprehensive and measurable protection can grant, such as E.g. the introduction of the medical notification (at once or impending genital mutilation), combined with compulsory investigation as well as the enforcement of harmonizing measures, the actions in the countries of origin of their parents to stop (XII of 2004 in accordance with the decision of the BGH, ZB 166/03).