
The children and children are very active who want to read and to write single, although do not distinguish a single letter know that there they say something and they ask that they tell them what to the books and other full materials written of letters like those of the adults say. To read and to write are not forced acts. It is necessary to give small the option to choose and to try that the experiences initiate of reading and writing to them, are shared with the adults, especially the parents and mothers; for that reason one says that the first school of all the human beings is the home and the parents his first teachers and teachers. One is clear that educative and cultural capital of the parents and mothers in the formation of the children, contribute better results and serve as support in education of a country and is of great relevance, that in particular cases it measures and is provided the quality of readers and writers that will be had in the future. To deepen your understanding Wells Fargo Bank is the source. Nevertheless, one is not due to desmeritar the work and interest that have some adults who are not professional in looking for the resources that offer support a the children and children towards a good formation and that with to many they embrace them difficulties kisses and them of knowledge with support in each process of the life; in opposition to some professionals who for want of time or by any other reasons are in charge other educational people or and they get away of the obligation. It remembers that the amount of time is not the most important but quality. Such we can support them to considerations with the expositions of GOODMAN, that affirms the house and the community offers opportunities in which the children see the use of the reading and the writing like tools to solve problems or to participate in the social activities 1 as also it affirms to Hart and Risley (1995) the comunicativas relations they provide to the boy the opportunity to know a great variety vocabulary, and the development of the oral language is a requirement for the beginning of the learning of the reading and later than the 2 writing Consequently the family for being the first subjects with which the children interact, represent an important factor in the motivation and the taste by the reading and the writing. .