Citizenship Luso-Brazilian (Introduction) ‘ ‘ The common rights and duties to all the men are also the rights and duties of all naes’ ‘ (BLACKSMITH, 1834b: 511) It in general constitutes an indeclinable duty of the humanity and of each individual in particular, to become involved itself, seriously, in one more good and continued personal formation, in the measure where never it is too much late for the man to perfect itself, nor its personality will be able to be given for concluded, much less the world-wide situation can leave tranquilas the people, not only as for the security and territorial integrity, but also, and mainly, how much to the values, principles and attitudes who, in Man-Citizen of the future, will be demandable, any that are the papers and statutes of each one. In the truth, it does not seem enough, despite necessary, the share of the specialists in the domnios of the assigneds person positive sciences, to be able itself to enjoy of a modern, compatible society with the deepest dignity human being. With effect, it is necessary to defend, without hesitations, all the legitimate, legal ways and adjusted to the construction of convivncia forms, that privilege natural qualities individual human beings and that, cumulatively, they can be developed and be applied in benefit of the tramway-car. The good-practical ones to consolidate the best qualities are a good methodology to follow. The world lacks of citizens with personality based on values, in attitudes, characters that serve all of paradigm and any individual that, voluntarily, it desires to contribute for the global society, because it is with good characters that will consist a truily worthy future of the condition human being: ‘ ‘ A good one for carcter () he is that one that obeys the recognized principles as right, that it continues faithful to the slight knowledge of love, justice, goodness and integridade’ ‘ (TICHE, 1982:9) the man is, natural and simultaneously, the problem and the solution of the majority of the situations that lives in the land and, as such, has the obligation to know what it can and cannot make, as it must and it does not have to behave, so that it can be producing and product of the society that it is specific.