If you communicate with people who are willing to pray for you, so you helped them with their business, you will feel proud of chronic and habitual off-scale self-esteem. As such, I am. I was very difficult to get rid of these feelings, too many people to thank me. Some shed tears of joy, and it's not a metaphor. When a hundred or so clients I meet five malcontents, I allow myself to ignore them. What do I do with them? Take into account, and send in a special department of quality. My Company built on the same standard that we implement for clients: "Model of Admin Know-How" (the standard is based on administrative technology of L.
Ron Hubbard). The organizational structure of the standard one major divisions – Department of qualities and qualifications. It deals with the quality of goods and services. And qualifications of personnel: training and retraining. As well as the correction of the marriage.
(Yes, this is very similar to the standard ISO-9001, in this of standards and iso Manh intersect and complement each other, in no contradiction.) So, knowing the percentage of dissatisfied customers, I understand that two things happened: a) we (this is a mandatory part of any discontent, even if in choosing the client), and b) the client is unethical (otherwise, instead of creating such problems that could not fix my staff, and they sunk right up to me, he'd just told the truth about my discontent and diligent and friendly staff will all be corrected without too much hustle). Lajoux (marriage) I am sending to the service quality. They carefully record everything that went wrong. Write a program to rectify. Then the marriage is corrected easily and ease. A client is marked as "problematic." Why show off something extra? And to communicate with him as a problem. While he himself did not come. And my staff try it before I did not let that happen. They are not profitable. Really – the chief of wonderful mood can lift the spirits and enthusiasm to infect the entire day. Baffled chef swear and niggles in black. What's more profitable, cheer up his boss (telling, as we have resolved the problem), or the port (Admitting the problem to him, and showing that his helplessness)? If you do not have the quality department, which solves the problem (and its construction is a whole interesting technology), then we can help you build it. A piece of cake. If not, then you are in any case have to communicate with sources of problems. Do as would have done good quality department: all write in detail and develop a program for settling. Remember that the client can fill. But after the take rule to communicate with ten satisfied customers. This is the right proportion. And you will always have a good mood. As I have. Vadim Boys, founder of the Central Training Company.