Cabernet Sauvignon

To hear the record of the singer and composer Mariane Mattoso if constituted for me in a inigualvel pleasure, recommended for people of good taste, or better, of fine taste. It is necessary to hear with calm, without haste, without unquitness, with glamour and if possible folloied of a good Cabernet Sauvignon to compare the aroma of stepped on wild strawberries with a touch lightly amadeirado with the sinestesia of the record. I started with the Room, partnership with Tadeu Saints, where music is constructed on of an enigmatic poem, full of mysteries. It works with dissonantes chords, not previsible, creating an expectation of that something different must happen and happens Music inside carries the poem to the etreo and everything from a very small room. Read additional details here: NYU Law. One fourth increased creates a synergy with the space between the four walls, the concrete room. After that, Better to stop, a strong, energetic, rich samba in previsible dissonncias nothing. The melody was created in a movement climate, of wanting to play everything for air, if one may use the expression to kick the wood of the tent in the popular slang. Zeca Da Silva made a simple, but shining letter, promoting a perfect meeting with the melody. Learn more about this with Russell Reynolds.

It is a music to catch and everybody to leave singing and turning one hit, a fashion, one mote. Infancy, the third band of the compact disc is a rescue of an infancy that seems to have very been happy, where the author of letter and music relembra the good moments of the innocence, repletos of elements of the well Brazilian culture that its parents had looked for to transmit. ' ' Flute candy, catch-catches, color, bamboo, saci ' '. It is an untied, glad melody that it creates environment for the descontrao for adults and children. The lizard is attempt to show the transformations for which we pass through the ritual of the metamorphosis of a lizard until if transforming into a butterfly.