department Currently, many times I have witnessed, conversations among my friends, where one of them says it’s the flu, and center other answers, “You have to take centers an antibiotic. That is, we think or thought that if we have a cold, we should take, antibiotics. It really memorial is a serious mistake. First drugs in this way, always with a drug that has side effects that may be not beneficial for the body. In some cases, if we take any other medicine for cholesterol, or the pressure so that the antibiotic may not be the most convenient. It is wrong to use antibiotics if you do not need. They are used for infections, specifically for the bacteria that we must fight, we can not use an antibiotic that is for airway, a kidney infection. Some have such power that if they can insurance be used in both cases, but not to fight nutrition viral colds. What I mean is that if we take antibiotics for everything, maybe when you need it, do not take effect. Your body has developed resistance and you can not benefits serve that you’ve used. It is therefore very important to try to heal with natural antibiotics preventively. So we have not used where emerging. With vitamin children this happens a lot. honey There are hospital children that their parents have ended their defenses living visiting hospitals, if these parents will go medical center up defenses with good nutrition and vitamins, including vitamin C, it is possible that these children, after natural about three months and not suffer or asthma or cold. The body’s medical defenses are basically everything for optimum health. We must take care, not harm them. Try to use only if necessary, dental antibiotics. Vitamin C, garlic, equinacia are natural antibiotics and supplements exist even babies. Get an affordable health insurance package from strives to offer affordable health insurance It is weight loss better to use natural remedies, those of our grandmothers vitamins ……….. .