COLOMBIAN ENVIRONMENTAL SEAL Public Consultation Standard Type I environmental labels 019/07 Colombian environmental seal. Environmental criteria for packaging, packing, rope, wire, rope and sisal fiber fabrics. The standardization committee NATURAL FIBER PACKING 213, currently developing (the) project (s) for updating the standard type I environmental labels 019/07 Colombian environmental seal. environmental criteria for packaging, packing, rope, wire, rope and sisal fiber fabrics. We invite you to participate in the Public Consultation process by submitting their comments before 2007-08-01, via our website. To get to (the) document (s), please access the (s) following (s) address (es) e (s) (we thank you before entering read the notes): Public Consultation Note 1: If you have not received your username and password that prompts the system, please enter the “anonymous” and register. Note 2: When you log into your document ranking may make your comments in item of interest and clicking on it. In the window that is displayed, please indicate your comments as editorial or technical. When finished each comment should be saved. When finished recording their observations, do not forget to give its overall concept to the document in the initial window. Note 3: When you log into your document, you can also select the option to “download” in PDF format by entering into this icon in the upper right. Any concerns about the taste will abide with the phone 607 88 88 extension 1443 or via email at the following address: mcastro ————————————————– —————————— Resolution 1555 of 2005 of the Ministries of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development and Trade, Industry and Tourism “Through which regulates the use of the Colombian Environmental Label. Resolution No. 1295 of 30 June 2006 by creating the Internal Committee of the Colombian Environmental Label and adopting its rules of operation The Colombian Environmental Label scheme is a voluntary differentiation system for identifying non-food products on the market that meet environmental specifications, which have been previously determined in accordance with the category to which they belong.The design and implementation of this scheme is presented as an educational tool aimed at that domestic consumers can identify and guide their purchasing preferences for products environmentally friendly, it is also an instrument for promoting the domestic supply, which can be used oacceder producers to create new niche markets and position their products within and outside the country. The Environmental Label Colombian constitutes one of the first eco-labeling schemes throughout Latin America, seeking to respond to global trends in similar programs for the identification of environmental goods and services as eco-labeling of the European Union, the White Swan Nordic countries, the U.S. Green Seal or the Blue Angel in Germany. These schemes are based on increasing consumer awareness and government on the environmental impacts generated by the traditional productive econ micoy development of countries and their unsustainable consumption patterns, leading to growing demand for goods and services with environmental features. With the establishment of the Colombian Environmental Label is looking for: Create an information and marketing tool to differentiate products that present comparatively better environmental performance. Encourage the growing domestic market for these products. Promoting a shift towards environmentally friendly products in the shopping preferences of consumers. Facilitating access to market and improve the image of products with improved environmental performance. Promote the use and development processes, techniques and cleaner technologies or sustainable. GENERAL OUTLINE OF OPERATION The structure of the program must ensure above all sucredibilidad, independence and economic sustainability.