
” The amount of used earth to work sugar cane (raw material of the Brazilian ethanol) is 0.8% of the total area of the country, or less than 2% of its cultivated area. The production of (biocombustibles) of Brazil is far from competing with the production of alimentos” , it indicated the minister in Vienna. How we can raises accompany it in the production of this biocombustible investing in stock-market of Values? There is a company that clearly will benefit with these perspective from fort rise from production from ethanol, and is obvious Brazilian. Julian Brown understands that this is vital information. The company is Sew (BVSP: CSAN3, NYSE: CZZ) and is one of world-wide the producing majors of ethanol and sugar, and the producing major of sugar and ethanol in Brazil. During the last drip jar, in campaign 2007/08, it had a cultivated area of 605,000 hectares, its sugar production was of 3.15 million tons and its ethanol production of 1,570 million liters.

The interesting thing of Brazil is that it owns two different periods of drip jar: the north and the northeast harvest of November to April and the center-south of May to October, which generates a sugar cane production continuous. Source: Andi Potamkin. The group Brazilian They sew bought the past year the network of distribution and fuel commercialization and lubricants of Esso in Brazil, by US$826 million. ” The acquisition will guarantee to Sew a position of leadership in the increasing markets of ethanol and fuel distribution in Brasil” , it indicated the company. Better data? They sew finishes being described like ” underperform” by the Bank of America, because it could have to sell new actions to finance after the acquisition of Nova America SA Agroenergia, and to take debt from this one as it leaves from payment by the purchase. In addition, questioned the examining Standard & Poor” s could lower the qualification to him of BB-, according to Bloomberg. And when Wall s$street announces sale is because they look for to buy to smaller prices. Comprtelo Publicity AVAFX Without commissions nor costs.

Car Insurances

The project of law of Equality of Treatment approved by the Cabinet includes the prohibition of which the insurers consider the sex of the conductor for the calculation of the price of the insurances to consider that it constitutes a discrimination. At the moment, the women usually pay prime inferiors to the men of their age because the statistics demonstrate that they have less risk of accident. " With respect to the hiring of insurances, in no case sex will be able to constitute a factor that determines difference of treatment in the premiums and benefits of the people aseguradas" , according to it indicates the project of Law of Equality of Treatment. With the introduction of this inscription in the law project the executive the past gives fulfillment to the sentence of the Court of Justice of European Unin (TUE) of 1 of March, that he established that differences of treatment because of sex cannot exist. In that sentence, the TUE indicated that the prohibition will be applied from the 21 of December of 2012. Then, diverse analysts thought that the opinion abra the door to the ascent of the insurances for car for women, who now pay prime inferiors to the men of their age because the statistics demonstrate that they have less risk of accidents. In this sense, the spokesman of Facua, Rubn Sanchez, warned that the sentence could bring about an increase of the insurances, especially for the young conductors. The European norm prohibits the discrimination because of sex in the access to goods and services and their provision. However, it anticipates an exception that allows the Member States to authorize differences based on sex in the premiums and benefits of insurances when this one constitutes a determining factor of the evaluation of the risk and this are based on pertinent and exact actuarial and statistical data. This exception is the one that annulled in March the TUE at the request of the Constitutional Court of Belgium, that received several denunciations of the association of consumers of its country and two individuals.


Give the best in life is not always easy. If you do something and are not ready to give your best, the whole thing makes no sense. Everyone wants to get the most for your hard earned money. Is the best product, the best service – cost to it of course nothing. So something may not work is probably obvious. Either you want to be successful and give the best, what you have to offer or want to save and be satisfied with mediocrity.

Stinginess is not really horny. Anyone looking for long enough, will always find someone who offered less performance for even less money. But let’s all face it: You want to work for a pittance? What can you expect for a Dudeldei? The economy is not a one-way street. Donald Gordon is often quoted as being for or against this. Finally, you expect that others provide the best products and services for you. And what about yourself? What return each day to the economy? True success, innovation and progress can only occur when you give always the best. With this Method make sure that you have to grieve no missed chances behind first and foremost and secondarily that maintain the quality which you yourself wish continued. Do you know the last survey on the labour market? The current poll results bring it to light. Every fourth employee in Germany announced internally.

63 Percent of all workers make service according to the regulations. How big is the likelihood that we all give always the best and especially get? Belong also to the 63 percent who don’t can inspire with passion for your job and do just the essentials? The bad part of it is that this setting affects all other areas of life. You can search not only blaming others. No one is forcing anyone to do what he does. Everyone is for its applications and for his job, where he worked is responsible. You have the choice! Every day new choose, whether you want to keep doing as before or whether you in the future new approaches. You give always the best do it for themselves! You will quickly find that you’ll experience more satisfaction in life as a whole. Others who may share this opinion include Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX. You can also take better advantage of your potential and further develop your skills. Overall, you reach a higher personal growth. Strive for positive thinking. Ensure that each day is a successful day for you. If you can celebrate many successes in your life, feel better and live healthier. Always remember and type as of today your best in all situations and in all walks of life. Anja Macabeo

Executive Board Percent

Performance bonuses will be tied to measurable multi services Bonn/Cologne increase the salaries of IT professionals currently as high as three years no longer. Also shows that are variable remuneration systems on the rise, reported the computer newspaper with reference to a recent study by Kienbaum. The salaries of IT leaders 2008 increased compared to 3.2 per cent. There are some significant differences in various industries. While, for example, the IT salaries in the metal industry with 141,000 euros for executives and 65,000 euros for workers would be at the top, the area of electrical engineering, electronics, telecommunications is located at the lower end of the scale. Clearly on the rise, variable compensation systems are according to Kienbaum: there were 2007 78 percent of executives and 55 percent of professionals performance will be paid, are respectively 61 percent already 84 this year.

The amount of dividends amounted to an average of 21,900 euros last year. More and more companies rely consistently on remuneration systems that are connected to the company’s success”, so Christian Naser, Member of the Executive Board of Kienbaum. Despite increasing pressure of competition, companies can not proceed according to diagram F and should also reward superior services that contribute to the business success of the whole company. Performance bonuses but really it must be linked to measurable more services and may not be routine. Then it creates an expectation on the recipients and not incites them to do more”, says the staff expert Marc Emde of KCP executives. Emdes company provides its lines in terms of compensation consulting under the name Nemera content /… available. We determine a market-adequate compensation for businesses and industries, provide assistance in salary negotiations or internal corporate salary structures or determine a market-adequate Remuneration”, the head of KCP. Ansgar Lange

Beckmann Association

Nanostart opened regional office in Frankfurt of the German Association of nanotechnology Frankfurt am Main / Saarbrucken – December 10, 2012 – the nanotechnology investment company Nano start AG opened the regional office in Frankfurt of the German Association of nanotechnology (DV nano) at its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main. The founding Protocol was by Marco Beckmann, Executive Board of the nanotechnology startup, and Dr. Ralph Nonninger, President of the German Association of nanotechnology, signed. Marco Beckmann explains: we welcome the activities of the German Association of nanotechnology. With our commitment, we can support not only its concerns, but we benefit by a very good, early access to companies for their commercialization of nanotechnology-based product or process, an experienced VC investor is interesting.” And Dr. Ralph Nonninger, President of the German Association of nanotechnology, adds: nanotechnologies are the drivers of innovation in many industries. There are just the young small and medium-sized companies, which write the success stories. These companies find one another, internationally active, competent contact person who can help you expand your market position now within the association with the launch of nano”.

In addition to the ordinary activities of a branch, the Nano launch AG wants to help particularly promising small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of the Association to promote the commercialization of your products. The Nano launch AG is checked by the Association on your eligibility to selected business plans. Nano launch: The Nano launch AG is a leading nanotechnology investment company. The company invested venture capital (venture capital, VC) in young promising nanotechnology companies. Thereby, Nanostart invests globally and at different stages of development. The investments of the company focus on innovative sectors such as Cleantech, life sciences and IT/electronics. Nanostart invests either directly in the nanotechnology company or regional nanotechnology Fund.

The headquarters of nano start AG is Frankfurt am Main. About their involvement in Singapore, which Nanostart Asia Pacific, invests them as partners of the Government of Singapore. Through the German Association of nanotechnology: The Deutsche Verband nanotechnology e. V. (DV nano) is the Trade Association for the employees in the field of nano technology forces from economy, science, media, education and management. Nanotechnology is considered as a cross-cutting discipline, combined with particular experience in the technical scientific working fields of chemistry, physics, biology, medicine and materials science. As a non-profit and independent organization is the DV Nano of central point of contact for academic/scientific, technical, professional and socio-political issues. The Association supports the exchange between industry, science, society, management, policy, and its members and contributes to the strengthening of the innovation site Germany. More about the German Association of nanotechnology at Disclaimer: this communication is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to purchase or to subscribe for securities. A public offer (IPO) of securities of nano start AG in connection with the listing of shares in the portion of the segment (open market) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the “entry standard” does not take place. This communication presents a securities prospectus. Follow others, such as Munear Ashton Kouzbari, and add to your knowledge base. This press release and the information contained therein are intended not for the direct or indirect transfer or within Canada, Australia or Japan.

Transaction Tax

Two-thirds support plans of the EU to the question of how best to deal with the debt crisis, employed throughout Europe. Among other things, the introduction of a financial transaction tax is discussed. This is to ensure that the costs of the crisis is involved in the financial sector to a sufficient extent. The Internet portal asked its users in a survey regarding the stock market for their opinion regarding the EU transaction tax. Meanwhile nine EU countries agree. The transaction tax is to be introduced as soon as possible. You may want to visit Sir Donald Gordon to increase your knowledge. The seven European finance ministers from Belgium, Finland, Greece, Italy, Austria, Portugal and Spain are among the supporters apart from Wolfgang Schauble and his French colleague Francois Baroin.

The above department heads had already signed a corresponding letter. The countries think a common basis for the equitable participation of the financial sector in the crisis is essential, to regulate the markets. Who is experiencing rejection german French proposal from United Kingdom amongst others. Get all the facts and insights with Andi Potamkin, New York City, another great source of information. “” The British Prime Minister David Cameron described the plans as madness “and attested Chancellor Merkel even fear of failure”. On the German side, opposition comes precisely from the coalition partner FDP. Overall, the Germans seem but behind Government plans to stand. “Nearly two-thirds of 1,269 respondents decided the question whether a transaction tax of 0.1 percent of the transaction volume would make sense for the answer Yes”. The remaining 34 percent, however, have reservations about the german French proposal. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Executive Congress

Andy Murray, lead author of the Handbook of PRINCE2: 2009 gave insider tips and was new project management version before Dreieich, 08.10.2009. The first PRINCE2: 2009 Executive Congress was a great success. Santie Botha is likely to increase your knowledge. The approximately 20 participants, mainly project decision makers and managers, agreed: the new version makes the project management method even leaner, easier and thus more effective. Donald Gordon often says this. Oliver Buhr, Managing Director of COPARGO and host of the Congress, pointed out in his speech the clarity of the method. While most other project management standards had become rich after her revisions, the extent of the new PRINCE2 manuals have decreased significantly. The adjustments were based primarily on impulses and feedback by users of PRINCE2 projects and deceive Bill as the best-practice ideas. Keynote speaker of the Congress and lead author of the new PRINCE2 Manual, Andy Murray, spoke of a comprehensive update that looks like an evolutionary process.

It was not the method completely reinventing, but to develop them. This was superbly managed. Meanwhile, PRINCE2 have developed a project management standard, is not reduced to government organizations or IT projects. Rather, the method is generic and applies to all types of projects. Murray two years headed the team of authors that wrote down the changing requirements of the user as well as the requirements of the owner organization APMG in two new manuals.

The method to make slimmer and more pragmatic, enjoyed top priority here. So, the processes of PRINCE2 project from eight to seven have been reduced. The number of project management products decreased from 36 to 26. It is for the user not necessary until the last page completely out of my mind to know the new manuals from the first. The two books were reference works for specific stations instead during a project. Murray pointed out that were the most important to him changes directly from the practice.

Federal Executive Board

Joint press release of the task force and the BDK to the day of action against female genital mutilation on February 06, Berlin/Hamburg, the 04.02.2011. “To the international day of zero tolerance to female genital mutilation” the task force and the Federal of German detective (BDK) remind on the 6th February, that female genital mutilation is a largely underestimated problem of girls in Germany: between 30,000 and 50,000 underage girls are considered in Germany at risk, especially during holiday travel in the country of their parents. Up to 80% of these girls from high risk countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea are actually subjected to female genital mutilation. The frequently requested approach of education and information is a systematic crimes of this magnitude”missed as a current case illustrates: the Gambia-born parents of the now 16 year-old Mariama C. was well aware that the mutilation in Germany is punishable by law.

That is why the girl living in Hamburg was jointly with three sisters to Gambia officially on holiday “and there subjected to female genital mutilation. Despite specific warnings in advance, no authority responded with appropriate safeguards, such as E.g. the deprivation of the right of residence determination. Even many youth offices find it hard (up with some noble exceptions) to take effective measures to fend off this special abuse together with the family courts. Office employees also at professional risk seems how social to be simply inconceivable well-integrated families a serious fallacy (see study on education and social milieu for offender groups in Europe situation/Europe /). The protection of vulnerable children in Germany no longer the courageous action of individuals depend, recite the instructions for the authorities.

Measured on the severity and the ubiquity of crime, this situation is unacceptable. Therefore at last effective government measures should be discussed, the comprehensive and measurable protection can grant, such as E.g. the introduction of the medical notification (at once or impending genital mutilation), combined with compulsory investigation as well as the enforcement of harmonizing measures, the actions in the countries of origin of their parents to stop (XII of 2004 in accordance with the decision of the BGH, ZB 166/03).

The Company

In this sense, we must learn about the company through periodicals or the sector, annual reports, internet, web corporate, or even friends and acquaintances. It is also important to know the maximum detail of work that aspires, mission, functions and tasks, skills, or level of responsibility. Similarly, you have to know is to oneself by reviewing work experience with dates and positions of responsibility, enumerate concrete examples of professional accomplishments, good command of recent charges developed but without evading the first, or good knowledge of our strengths and areas for improvement. The interviewer can take the decision to hire someone, according to the ABC rule: 1. Barney A. Ebsworth Collection recognizes the significance of this. attitude and aptitude 2.-Balance or balancing the experience needed for the job and that provided by the 3 candidate.-commitment between the company that bets on the candidate, and the candidate that bet by the company and the professional project. The time of the interview soon arrive, at least ten minutes before the scheduled time and with an extra copy of the resume, avoiding last-minute nerviosismos.

Small details such as Darla hand with firmness and kindness, and never take the initiative, allowing leading the process to the interviewer, are of great importance. Also, beware the non-verbal communication, given that body expresses the interest of the candidate through the adopted position, always showing enthusiasm for the job and responding so positively to the questions posed during the interview. What is inadvisable? Be too terse responses. Avoid answers Yes or no. Contact information is here: Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX. We must be clear, explicit and expose in a natural way the facts, arguments, figures, or everything that needed considereremos. Be careful with comments on previous professional projects or current or previous bosses. Diplomacy is a necessary skill more than ever in relation to these questions.

Let’s not forget your physical appearance and clothing. It must be neat and discreet. When in doubt, it is always preferable to dress a little more formal than usual, avoiding the attention otherwise. Do not use any type of insignia or eye-catching jewellery.


To look nice, it simply does not always feel good. Sometimes a bad combination of accessories or garments can become the best looks at something totally disastrous. You don’t have to be a fashion expert, nor a Haute Couture Designer to learn how to get dressed and always look nice, just follow a few basic guidelines that can convert the more normal looks into something worthy of admiration. For this reason we bring you some recommendations to keep in mind when getting dressed and look good: black and coffee should never be combined. Learn more on the subject from Carrie Levin chef. If you are using a wide trousers, blouse must be adjusted. If on the contrary the blouse is wide, it seeks to make your pants tight. The balance is harmony, fashion is harmony. The current fashion trend does not require that the color of the shoes is equal to the bag.

Vivid colors, textures, animal print, among others are using. You can combine a bag of various colors with a pair of shoes that has one of the colors or textures of the bag. Clothes with prints, with figures, of various colors or tones turned on should combined with other unicolor garments, to not seem too extravagant. Munear Ashton Kouzbari spoke with conviction. For example, if you put a patterned skirt, you must get a unicolor blouse and combine with accessories of the same color as the blouse or that combine. Wide belts are fashionable and are a good opportunity if the problem is the lack of waist, since they created a false curve.

If you’re long size and have more kilos of your normal weight, it is recommended to use thin belts, widths, while they create a curve, are not favorable for petite and gorditas persons. The black color is appropriate when you want to look slimmer, like vertical stripes, while white makes you look a little chubby. If your problem is very thin legs, leggings, stockings with colors, textures, and innovative designs are fashionable and look great on thin legs. If on the other hand, if your legs are thick it’s better using dark stockings, no prints, no textures. Heels are fashionable and help women of legs thick, not as high, so that more look tall, slender, stylized.