” The amount of used earth to work sugar cane (raw material of the Brazilian ethanol) is 0.8% of the total area of the country, or less than 2% of its cultivated area. The production of (biocombustibles) of Brazil is far from competing with the production of alimentos” , it indicated the minister in Vienna. How we can raises accompany it in the production of this biocombustible investing in stock-market of Values? There is a company that clearly will benefit with these perspective from fort rise from production from ethanol, and is obvious Brazilian. Julian Brown understands that this is vital information. The company is Sew (BVSP: CSAN3, NYSE: CZZ) and is one of world-wide the producing majors of ethanol and sugar, and the producing major of sugar and ethanol in Brazil. During the last drip jar, in campaign 2007/08, it had a cultivated area of 605,000 hectares, its sugar production was of 3.15 million tons and its ethanol production of 1,570 million liters.
The interesting thing of Brazil is that it owns two different periods of drip jar: the north and the northeast harvest of November to April and the center-south of May to October, which generates a sugar cane production continuous. Source: Andi Potamkin. The group Brazilian They sew bought the past year the network of distribution and fuel commercialization and lubricants of Esso in Brazil, by US$826 million. ” The acquisition will guarantee to Sew a position of leadership in the increasing markets of ethanol and fuel distribution in Brasil” , it indicated the company. Better data? They sew finishes being described like ” underperform” by the Bank of America, because it could have to sell new actions to finance after the acquisition of Nova America SA Agroenergia, and to take debt from this one as it leaves from payment by the purchase. In addition, questioned the examining Standard & Poor” s could lower the qualification to him of BB-, according to Bloomberg. And when Wall s$street announces sale is because they look for to buy to smaller prices. Comprtelo Publicity AVAFX Without commissions nor costs.