The project of law of Equality of Treatment approved by the Cabinet includes the prohibition of which the insurers consider the sex of the conductor for the calculation of the price of the insurances to consider that it constitutes a discrimination. At the moment, the women usually pay prime inferiors to the men of their age because the statistics demonstrate that they have less risk of accident. " With respect to the hiring of insurances, in no case sex will be able to constitute a factor that determines difference of treatment in the premiums and benefits of the people aseguradas" , according to it indicates the project of Law of Equality of Treatment. With the introduction of this inscription in the law project the executive the past gives fulfillment to the sentence of the Court of Justice of European Unin (TUE) of 1 of March, that he established that differences of treatment because of sex cannot exist. In that sentence, the TUE indicated that the prohibition will be applied from the 21 of December of 2012. Then, diverse analysts thought that the opinion abra the door to the ascent of the insurances for car for women, who now pay prime inferiors to the men of their age because the statistics demonstrate that they have less risk of accidents. In this sense, the spokesman of Facua, Rubn Sanchez, warned that the sentence could bring about an increase of the insurances, especially for the young conductors. The European norm prohibits the discrimination because of sex in the access to goods and services and their provision. However, it anticipates an exception that allows the Member States to authorize differences based on sex in the premiums and benefits of insurances when this one constitutes a determining factor of the evaluation of the risk and this are based on pertinent and exact actuarial and statistical data. This exception is the one that annulled in March the TUE at the request of the Constitutional Court of Belgium, that received several denunciations of the association of consumers of its country and two individuals.