Sanitary products financed by the national system of health (bandages, gauzes, prostheses, etc) will also be a reduction in the price, but it will be 7.5%. In other words, they will be cheaper, but we understand that its impact on the income statement of the pharmacy will not be very significant, says the Manager.By another medication ladolos funded orphans will come into a reduction of 4%. The final impact with that said Asefarma Loupe view the set of measures that have been implemented in the last two months will cause fewer benefits to this sector. All them, more reductions in the prices of generic drugs, the limitation of the discount to 10% by industry/distribution pharmacies, the modification in the system of calculation of pricing reference, etc, will have an estimated impact of 1,000 euros per month – 12,000 euros per year-, on average, of lower profit in pharmacies, says Simon Fernandez. A panorama that Asefarma tends his hand to pharmacists and encouraged them to work with motivation and positivity. We are optimistic with the future of the Pharmacy and think that they can achieve significant improvements in the profitability of the same by making active management (management of purchasing, stock, pharmaceutical marketing, introduction of new services, personnel management, implementation of protocols of quality, etc.) to transform pharmacy into a dynamic space for health. You can count on us to deal with this new reality, adds arabigoandaluces. Regarding the collective rural pharmacies (located in towns of fewer than 1,000 inhabitants is the same) consultancy estimated that we need to care more, but that with work and tenacity will continue forward. All of them they may improve their profitability, but a very limited and therefore have it worse, but we think are which provided a public health service of more clearly to people who care and this from Asefarma we advocate and we ask for them a special protection by the sanitary authorities, dispensing them discounts and measures are intended to apply to the whole of the Pharmacy.
Month: December 2013
Honda Manufacture Aircraft
New York
Honda manufacture aircraft The bean and Japanese multinational Aviaci topics touched n, but with engines from other companies (such as the prototype of the 80 Honda MH02). Honda pulls launches its first aviation engine n in 1999, the HF118, in collaboration with GE Aviation n, which was mounted on the Cessna Citation jet. The HondaJet, which is before us now, made its first flight in 2003 and was initially presented in 2005.But until a o has not been made official its n in series production and the announcement by Honda that already has several hundred AYMENT ORDERS ordered. Since we had counted earlier, that Honda would make its entry into the aerospace market. Last week, at a convention held in Florida, USA, the brand has already announced more than a hundred orders for HondaJet of 3.5 million. The sale of new aircraft recently began on 17 October last year, so Honda is very surprised and happy for the great demand from individuals and businesses looking to purchase fleets. Honda Aircraft Company will produce the HondaJet in its U.S. facility and has sent its request to receive certification from the Federal Aviation Administration in that country. The HondaJet employs a number of innovative technologies, configuration incluyendouna engines mounted on the wing or over-the-wing engine mount (OTWEM) in English. With this system, saving space in the cabin and cargo area, it also improves aerodynamics and reduces fuel consumption by 30 to 35 compared to similar jets. The HondaJet should achieve a speed of 420 knots (777 km / h) with a range of action of 1,180 nautical miles (2,185 km).
Media Center PC
Más y más fabricantes están desarrollando ahora conocido como Media Center: Home Theatre PC o también corta HTPC. Multimedia es la consigna, que actualmente domina todo y las redes de la computadora a la TV o sistema de alta fidelidad en el otro lado gana cada vez más importante Teatro casero PC tienen que devolver parte de una amplia posibilidad de datos multimedia y esto no es menos porque estos dispositivos sólo no son elementos de alta fidelidad clásicos, pero PC completamente independiente, que es por lo tanto solamente en la apariencia de un elemento de su alta fidelidad o plano reproductor de DVD. Visualmente, la mayoría Media Center PC son elegantes y sencillas, pero dentro es la potencia informática concentrada. Teatro casero PC tienen bahías y pueden asumir diferentes y especialmente múltiples discos duros. Por supuesto, estas Media Center PC solamente sobre sus propias placas base, incluyendo ventilador y una alimentación adecuada, porque como he mencionado trabajo, finalmente al PC. Pero también en términos de Las conexiones permanecen flexibles Media Center PC, y también hay interfaces USB y por supuesto también puertos IEEE 1394 de red además de la clásica entrada de audio y salida de audio, para que en una red existente desde una máquina diferente, datos y configuración puede ser editado y administrado. Que tales dispositivos como mucho diseño y funcionalidad deben no ser necesariamente caros muestra la tendencia del precio actual, mostrando accesorios de computadora más abajo sobre la parte superior. La vivienda allí por menos de cien euros. Con un Home Theatre PC, son tan perfectamente preparados y conseguir una interfaz óptima entre PC y TV, HiFi.
Accounting Systems
One leader is difficult to keep track of all staff – timely yavkami the workplace each, employment of each employee during working hours, etc. The revolution in technology has clearly defined what it should be a successful company. Equipped with modern facilities – the card of any office. It's not about the usual attributes of the office, phone, fax, etc., we mean completely new technology – access control and accounting working time. If the discipline, strict control of the parish, care and tardiness of employees – not your creed, the access control system is not for you. They are for those who live by the principles of "My house – my fortress and wise organization office work. Installing such a system offers great opportunities for access control to your office for all people without exception. Due to the system you are always aware of movements come and go every human being. The basis of this Awareness – provided for in the system to control access to certain persons on the premises, depending on time of day and day of week. The system clock keeps track of all movements on the territory. At any time you can get a report of finding specific people in the room or in the territory as a whole. This report contains information about when a man came and went, he tried to penetrate into the forbidden for him premises. For security access control and time management – this is full access to the internal management of the premises, remote locking and unlocking doors installed by them electric locking devices (electromagnetic locks, video intercom, intercoms).
General Cigar Company
You may have heard about the brand Punch Rare Corojo. And the tobacco Connecticut Corojo? The new product 10th Anniversary General Cigar Company used a unique, patented "shirt" is Cuban cigars are 5 inches long, with a "ring" of 50, who recently appeared in retail. Available in these cigars are only once a year, so they are considered rare. Fillers consist of a mixture of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco, and when he lie down for several years, tobacco becomes more interesting and brings the product to a new level. This special edition is significantly different from previous ones, as usual cigars are wrapped in a wrapper Ecuadoran Sumatra. When they went on sale a few years ago, the taste of these cigars was so exceptional that they were immediately sold out. According to Rick Chandler, director of marketing for Punch cigars: Ten years of cigar enthusiasts eagerly awaited the return of Rare Corojo …
bright, spicy flavor of affordable price. This year we are pleased that raised the bar by offering the world a new taste of 10th Anniversary, along with the classic Punch Rare Corojo. 'After I had this burning cigar, I was impressed with the amount of smoke, which she portrayed a good proizvela.Dym connection nut and wood flavors. This cigar was not quite available, but in this case I do not think it ploho.Tak let's face it, sometimes a cigar just a cigar. But looking at the cover of a cigar, I really impressed and can not describe how evenly it tleet.Sochetanie good taste, solid construction and affordable price make these cigars are perfectly everyday cigar, I recommend you vsem.Esli are places where these 'smoke' you is readily available, this product must necessarily help you relax as it should '- shares his impressions of a taster.
Proper Regimen
The reforms printed to social welfare, related as deficit and in crisis, had given a privatized character obligatory to the previdencirio system. The public system was substituted by a private system, on which the retirements are based on the contributions made in individual accounts and adopted a mixing system where the public system guarantees the basic one and the paid private system of complementary form. In the context of the Reformation of the Providence, one of the proposals pointed as main modifications the extinguishing of the criterion of retirement for service time and the criterion of the proportional retirement. The second Reformation of the Social welfare if gave in 2003, and had as main modification the Proper Regimen of Social welfare, that encloses the public servers. This offensive one deflagrada on the providence is plus one of the strategies that they aim at to the prevalence of the interests of the capital on the interests of the worker, since as it considers Mota (2008) the reforms the one that it forms submitted the Brazilian social welfare is far from representing a perfectioning in the system created in 1988. For the related author, the new rules of the social welfare are inductive of the formation of a deep financier financed for the wages of the workers, being able to be visualized by the growth of the market of plans of private providence, what it makes with that if loses the condition of a system of protection to the base of a intergeracional and functional transference of the income. Practical of the Social Service in the Social welfare the Implantation corresponds Portaria of number,25 of 06 of April of 1943, of the National Advice of the Work? CNT – Section of Studies and Social Assistance, Institute of Retirement and Pension of the Commercial employees, who had for objective to carry through a research on the environment and the conditions of life of the users.