Hispanic Mattel

The doll most famous of the world, its exotic beauty is inspiration source. To know more about this subject visit Munear Ashton Kouzbari. All the interpretations agree that, with its enormous gamma of accessories of life style, Barbie exists to consume. Its infinitely plastic body that resounds with after-modern nations of the fluidity, the located multiplicity and meanings. Some would see Barbie as etnia and sort in the reproduction of a particularly coarse and harmful form, a cultural icon of racism and sexismo. It has influenced artists and designers of the most different countries to create unknown suits and hairdos, that portray its customs local. James Hyslop addresses the importance of the matter here. The Mattel, company who produces the Barbie doll has been accused in recent years to ignore the ethnic diversity, creating Barbie African-Americans, Hispanic and Asian versions that had tones of darker skin, but kept white characteristics of the traditional doll. Mary Rogers, a sociologist of the University of the West of the Flrida and author of the Barbie book of the Culture, according to it ' ' The Mattel can manipulate images racial and of classroom it is what it makes Barbie as commentator of powerful on who we are and the cultural contradictions that we have. Barbie passed last the five decades, establishing a standard for the good and the evil as some girls if they see.

Parts of this I appeal Barbie sociologists say, that it always had a foot in two worlds. Although praised for representing an independent woman, adventurer, the feminists who say that it portraies the women as sexual objects the much time. In September of 2003, Saudi Arabia forbade to the sales them Barbie dolls for considering that they are not coadunam with the ideals of the Islo. In the countries of the Average East an alternative doll called Fulla, fellow creature Barbie, but drawn exists to be more acceptable in the Islamic market, especially made for mulumanas girls.

Martins Development

Freitas; 2004, in the world all, the peoples and the cities are organized of similar form objectifying to take care of to the necessities of its citizens and the historical urban centers, offer, moreover, an environment with special capacity to enrich the life of its inhabitants. For UNESCO (2002), such cities have special characteristics, also with extraordinary problems, as: a spoiled infrastructure, archaeological deposits, that can hinder some types of constructions, such as stone pavement of streets and improve of the urban transit, beyond the intrinsic interest of the cities to attract a number of visitors impossible to control. You may want to visit Hyundai to increase your knowledge. A necessary management of tourism to be integrated harmoniously in the local context. For Martins (2002, p 52), cited for Coelho/2004, this harmonious form must be the true differential of the local development. One does not meet in its objectives (well-being, quality of life, endogenous, synergies, etc.), but in the position that the paper of not only beneficiary agent and of the development attributes and assures to the community, that is, the community it leaves of being the part consulted for the planners and starts to be the agent of its proper planning, directing the process.

A vision on Management of the Cultural Patrimony Focus in the cultural experience of each region coherent actions. Tactical and strategical examples of development: ' ' A Strategy of Development for ARAX.' ' The urban development, as all expression of life, characterizes for a set of changes, of transformations, resulting in the improvement of life of most of the population and users of a city. The transformations can, and must take in account the certifications exactly and certain values of the past, but exactly these pass for a reinterpretao, a new use, a new way of giving value to them. However, nor all change means development. For times, it brings improvements for ones to the costs of the exclusion of others.

The Social Environment

Nobody needs to run away from the social environment to be happy. However, a society that degrades is really a dangerous footpath, that puts in bad sheets the Human being. The material body is not enemy of the Incarnate Spirit, is its pupil and also its professor. It is as a great laboratory where the lesser beings are learning. It doubts this? The mother loads the son in its womb. It as one cabecinha of pin collects itself there until it to give to it the light to it. when to grow will not go to load in itself diverse lives? GOD would not create a body alone to serve of ornament. In the Universe nothing idle does not exist.

It gives one looked in the Nature. She is idle? Not! Minerals, vegetables, animals, hominais and spirituals that we do not see are in its seio evolving. In boiling its cambotas was high, and put fear; e, in the four wheels, the same ones were full of eyes around. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 1:18.

The capricious Human being Is always in boiling, Between the Good and the evil divaga Without finding its position. It vegetates between the Being and not to be, and of GOD nor it wants to know. Pra it, only the pleasure Of a mundane life, Can make ditosa the Creature Human being. Its bows with the substance Have a total force, the Spirit are unaware of, Are an irrational. He is in this fight ingente, But she continues grumbler. Why? Because nobody receives a body, to only sorver a comfort pra itself, But yes, to evolve. GOD did not generate it by chance; Because perhaps, he does not exist.

Hot Dog

The hot dog is a food of European origin, generally having its entailed creation to the city of Frankfurt in Germany. However this food quickly was spread out for the world, falling in the taste of the Americans and also of the Brazilians. Today it is very common for the most part to find a stand of hot dog of the public spaces or events that concentrate a great amount of people. In Brazil, more specifically, the traditional bread with sausage gained a infinity of variations, reflecting the marcante creativity of the Brazilian people. A served hot dog in the northeast region will not be necessarily equal to a served hot dog in the south or Southeastern region.

The hot dog is today practically a complete meal. It can be asked for to this food with potato straw, maize, peas, egg of codorna, cheese, salada, oil, pur of potato, catupiry and even though farofa. It has hot dog for the most varied palates. It is common to also find vendido hot dog with 2 sausages, different types of sausage different types of bread, taking care of to all the gostos. The sausage could be baked in the oven, cozida in water, fries or pressed. The prescription most common of gravy of hot dog includes tomatoe, onion, water and sausage. However more ingredients could be added, as well as garlic, chili and other temperos.

The sales of hot dog can be a sufficiently lucrative business, depending on the point of sales and the structure of its stand or van. The price of this food can vary very depending on the region, the competition, the size and the ingredients. Most common he is that the average is between 3 and 5 Reals, being able is clearly, to have dog hot or more cheap more expensive. Many people have considered the purchase of a stand of hot dog to increase the income in week ends or for specific events and many they work as selling of hot dog in integral time. Of any form, the choice of a durable and resistant stand is indispensable. A good stand of hot dog must have all the compartments necessary to store ingredients and to prepare the food, as well as a chassis and strengthened wheels. The stands also present, in general, a isopor or a small refrigerator for storage of drinks and gravies that they need to be kept cold. Today it has in the Brazilian market companies specialized in the sales of stand of hot dog, whom generally also they accept asked for customizao of the same ones, thus taking care of to its specific necessities.

Proper Regimen

The reforms printed to social welfare, related as deficit and in crisis, had given a privatized character obligatory to the previdencirio system. The public system was substituted by a private system, on which the retirements are based on the contributions made in individual accounts and adopted a mixing system where the public system guarantees the basic one and the paid private system of complementary form. In the context of the Reformation of the Providence, one of the proposals pointed as main modifications the extinguishing of the criterion of retirement for service time and the criterion of the proportional retirement. The second Reformation of the Social welfare if gave in 2003, and had as main modification the Proper Regimen of Social welfare, that encloses the public servers. This offensive one deflagrada on the providence is plus one of the strategies that they aim at to the prevalence of the interests of the capital on the interests of the worker, since as it considers Mota (2008) the reforms the one that it forms submitted the Brazilian social welfare is far from representing a perfectioning in the system created in 1988. For the related author, the new rules of the social welfare are inductive of the formation of a deep financier financed for the wages of the workers, being able to be visualized by the growth of the market of plans of private providence, what it makes with that if loses the condition of a system of protection to the base of a intergeracional and functional transference of the income. Practical of the Social Service in the Social welfare the Implantation corresponds Portaria of number,25 of 06 of April of 1943, of the National Advice of the Work? CNT – Section of Studies and Social Assistance, Institute of Retirement and Pension of the Commercial employees, who had for objective to carry through a research on the environment and the conditions of life of the users.