Sanitary products financed by the national system of health (bandages, gauzes, prostheses, etc) will also be a reduction in the price, but it will be 7.5%. In other words, they will be cheaper, but we understand that its impact on the income statement of the pharmacy will not be very significant, says the Manager.By another medication ladolos funded orphans will come into a reduction of 4%. The final impact with that said Asefarma Loupe view the set of measures that have been implemented in the last two months will cause fewer benefits to this sector. All them, more reductions in the prices of generic drugs, the limitation of the discount to 10% by industry/distribution pharmacies, the modification in the system of calculation of pricing reference, etc, will have an estimated impact of 1,000 euros per month – 12,000 euros per year-, on average, of lower profit in pharmacies, says Simon Fernandez. A panorama that Asefarma tends his hand to pharmacists and encouraged them to work with motivation and positivity. We are optimistic with the future of the Pharmacy and think that they can achieve significant improvements in the profitability of the same by making active management (management of purchasing, stock, pharmaceutical marketing, introduction of new services, personnel management, implementation of protocols of quality, etc.) to transform pharmacy into a dynamic space for health. You can count on us to deal with this new reality, adds arabigoandaluces. Regarding the collective rural pharmacies (located in towns of fewer than 1,000 inhabitants is the same) consultancy estimated that we need to care more, but that with work and tenacity will continue forward. All of them they may improve their profitability, but a very limited and therefore have it worse, but we think are which provided a public health service of more clearly to people who care and this from Asefarma we advocate and we ask for them a special protection by the sanitary authorities, dispensing them discounts and measures are intended to apply to the whole of the Pharmacy.