Only one in four important "crust" – a pass to work. 7% of students in general can not determine what they learn in high school. It turns out that many young people demonstrates the non-market thinking and nonmarket forms of behavior. They choose the path of "nowhere," hoping for a miracle, assistance, retraining. That is why sociologists, and sounding the alarm: high school less than half the function of training professionals. – In the public mind has formed a stable stereotype: Higher Education – home value – Alla says. – Since the 1980's. parents of the current generation of students received a quality education, then for their children they would like to do the same.
Today, 90% of city dwellers and 80% of the villagers are willing to pay for their children to school university. But amid oversupply of specialists such as lawyers, economists, psychologists, became popular with employees of the initial vocational education. But such education often does not provide the children professional practical skills in the proper amount. In the West, a training center with facilities for training. We – no. Looking for electricians, fitters, plumbers, welders … their salaries are enough high. But an adequate understanding of these professions do not form today, so they are not held in high esteem. From session to session, What you need to be successful? "The quest for lasting knowledge," "teaching quality" – of course: these factors were surveyed at the highest rate of utility. Important, however, they felt, and "the ability to make contact with the teacher." At last: demands of teachers (one in ten said its bad!), the presence of moral incentives to learn and work in parallel scientific work.