Many companies say they have as a central axis to the client. In reality, the majority of them are companies oriented to product or processes. Although common sense clearly indicates that without customers not there is company, we are dedicated to develop our businesses centralized in products. The most successful companies are not which have the best products, which have the best customers. If we want to belong to the Group of successful companies, as a result of being customer centric, first thing we must do is understand that we must make to embark on this journey.
Learn how to develop a customer culture in your organization and how to obtain the benefits of this strategy. Which of the following three approaches best describes the way how your company works? Product culture. Highly efficient development and innovation in new products or services. Investment in research and development to offer the market increasingly better and more innovative products or services. Organizational structure and management of the company focused on products and services. Your best commercial strategy is the management of prices and promotions.
Really, constant innovations in the product/service is what customers want and demand? Excellence in product culture processes. ISO 9000, 14000, 18000, 22000, OHSAS and other rigorous methodologies and certifications, more than all associated with quality management. High orientation processes and rules. Efficiency and effectiveness in the way how the organization operates. Very formal and in some respects, somewhat bureaucratic, but rules are met and procedures are followed. Exercises of strategic planning and Vision, mission and beliefs very well developed, unfortunately in the majority of opportunities this doesn’t interest the customer. What the Manual says what should be done. Seeks efficiency through standards and procedures, generating many times lack of flexibility and empowerment by employees for the entire of decisions. Process excellence culture customer. The customer is the epicenter and raison d ‘ etre of the company.