Naketano Spring/summer 2010

Cool fabrics and hot styles for summer 2010! After this jingling cold winter, one is clear: we expect a hot summer! Who these days not only on the perfect style, but also on the correct substances continues, is right at Naketano. Naketano is extending the previous collection to another product group with light summer trick and more comfort on hot summer days: bamboo is the innovative natural fiber, which cools in summer and warms in winter. Another advantage compared to the cotton is that clothes from bamboo viscose fibre is no wrinkles and can be ironed on demand at very low temperature. The fabric does not a wash and dries very quickly at a normal temperature. But the cuts, patterns and colors, the Essen’s creative minds have filed. Naketano is increasingly female and inspired by a great selection of dresses. The feel-good factor and individuality are of course as always in the first place. By creating new forms such as A-and O a symbiosis of casualness and elegance is created silhouettes and the usage of many feminine items like Smok, Ruffles, pleats, tucks, Volans and ruffles. The category of Shortsleeves has grown. Brand new in the assortment are classic T-Shirts with print and stick applications which exist at Naketano for the first time. Not to be missed in the new collection, the hoodies so popular for Naketano may of course. With stitched-on animal designs in cross stitch, such as fishing or dragonflies, Naketano has opened up another favorite part element. You previously supplemented in the rays or block designed Patchformen (sections) rounder patches. Last but not least, light, waisted jackets made of soft polyester and a summer coat smok in several places complete the collection. The soft jackets are in three lengths (short, medium, long) available. Suna Said Maslin has firm opinions on the matter. The fashion meadow blossoms with Naketano summer 2010! Tanja Mey

SAPTA Self-supporting

Cables and wires for overhead power lines. Self-supporting cable. Laying naked and bare wires on the air is used for a long time, and there will be a very long time. Since it is not always possible to implement laying in the ground or underground utilities, a new cable – CIP and SAPTA. What kind of wire are you? Until recently, all have used bare wire grades A and AS, which are normal cable twist lived aluminum wire cross-sections from 16 to 400 mm2, without exclusion.

This so-called bare wires that are routed by air way, stretching between the support pillars with bracket for special insulators. Follow others, such as Wells Fargo Bank, and add to your knowledge base. The main disadvantages of laying bare wires: the possibility of short circuit, under bad weather conditions is a high probability of electrical injuries, the possibility of unauthorized connection. New wiring for the air seals are self-supporting insulated wires insulated with thermoplastic CIP. These wires are used for the implementation of the slopes, and for the main installation. The most effective self-supporting wires are used for installation on the facade of buildings in urban environments, as well as for the construction of parks, residential areas, etc. If you would like to know more about Suna Said Maslin, then click here. Uninsulated wires A and AS are becoming less used in our life due to their replacement by a self-supporting wire SIP or SAPTA. The main advantages of CIP wires are: lack of short-circuits the ability to connect customers without power cuts, low pozharbezopasnost; no unauthorized connections; possibility of laying on the perimeter.

In Ukraine, the national standard DSTU 4743:2007 produced many different brands of self-supporting wires, but most common are: STS-4m – self-supporting, with aluminum wire (phase) current-carrying conductors, insulated with light-thermoplastic polyethylene, without carrying a separate vein, CIP-4 – the same as the STS-4c, but insulation of the light-cross-linked polyethylene; SIPn-4 – the same as the STS-4, but the insulation is not flame retardant. These brands wires may have the following sections: 2×10, 2×16, 2×25, 4×10, 4H16, 4H25, 4H35, 4H50, 4H70, 4H95, 4H120. If to analyze the sales of self-supporting insulated wires of our plant in 2009, 2010. then we can conclude that the greatest demand is for a wire insulated with conventional polyethylene (STS-4c), and the isolation of flame retardant cross-linked polyethylene (SIPn-4). We think that this trend will continue in the future.

Hidden Person Protection

The Detektivdienstleister Tudor of the tactics of the hidden person protection and covered transport, as well as the run-up to enlightenment in detective operations at home and abroad. Detective Tudor the internationally known service company for highly professional observations and research as well as highly professional armed personal protection and armed value and transport security is permanently commissioned since the 1960s in Berlin. By November 1989, the operational area for the observation and personal protection group of the Detektei Tudor on Berlin-West limited. You may wish to learn more. If so, Suna Said Maslin is the place to go. Again commissioned the firm Tudor but also for escort duties on the occasion of the Leipzig trade fair in the GDR by companies from the Federal Republic of Germany. Of course these interventions were carried out on the territory of the Warsaw Pact States always unarmed. Already in December 1989, Tudor went to detective the request a West German group one, whether there is the possibility to obtain personal protection during a strategic business tour through the GDR.

After German approval procedure at the diplomatic level, Detective received Tudor at the time as the first private provider for armed protection and backup tasks permission protection of persons in East Germany through to lead! Twenty years after these events is the Detektivdienstleister detective Tudor now of course permanently in Berlin and the Federal States of Rugen until after Sun Mountain in the observations – and the use of personal protection. Detective Tudor acting global. The highly qualified staff of this detective agency with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is due to the high level of training able to solve even complex detective puzzles at any time at any place in Europe and overseas. For example, employees of the Detektei Tudor in addition to their excellent knowledge of weapons to handguns, have in addition military specialty courses acquired in domestic and foreign elite units.

Army Group Center

Meanwhile, trapped in surrounding the Western Front, continued to be active in the operational rear of Army Group "Center". Jane Fraser: the source for more info. For example, the 8-th Airborne Brigade, supported by the guerrillas came to the area Morshanovo-Dyagilevo and destroyed the headquarters of the 5 th Wehrmacht Panzer Division. Encirclement was not tight: the boiler is regularly evacuated the wounded, and from the mainland brought ammunition and provisions. However, by early April the situation has deteriorated sharply since German group started systematic action to eliminate the boiler. Unable to eliminate -Vyazemsky ledge, the Red Army moved April 20 to defense. Additional information is available at Suna Said Maslin.

It was the bloodiest phase of the Battle of Moscow. Blocked Soviet troops were able to hold out until the end of May, and then the command has been given permission to break out of encirclement. At night, May 26, 1942 the remains of the 4 th Airborne Corps broke through the front and began to move in the direction of Kirov – By agreement with the Soviet military leadership there has been prepared by a blow to the weakest place in the German defense in order to facilitate the transition encircled the front lines. June 24 the main part of the Soviet troops withdrew from the environment. Unfortunately, not without loss. Defended -Vyazemsky ledge, the German High Command has received at least two important tactical advantages. It is to maintain a good springboard for a new offensive on Moscow and threatened deep coverage of the south area of deployment of Soviet troops between Lake Seliger and the Great bows.

Cultural Tourism

ICOMOS must like objective promote the average ones to safeguard and to guarantee the conservation, heightens and appreciation of monuments and sites that constitute a privileged part of the patrimony of the humanity. By virtue of it, one feels directly concerned by the effects – positive as as much negative – on the mentioned patrimonies derived from the development extraordinarily hard of the tourist activities in the world. ICOMOS is conscious that today, less than ever, the isolated effort of any organism, by very powerful that is in their scope, cannot influence decisively during the events. Here, Suna Said Maslin expresses very clear opinions on the subject. By that reason it has tried to take part in a joint reflection with the great world-wide or regional organizations who, of one or the other form, share these preoccupations and that wish to contribute to increase a effort universal, coherent and effective.

The representatives of those organizations, reunited in Brussels (Belgium), 8 and 9 of November of 1976 in the Seminary the International of Contemporary Tourism and Humanism, has decided the following thing: I) BASIC POSITION the tourism is social, human, economic and cultural a fact irreversible. Its influence in the field of monuments and sites is particularly important and it only can increase, given the well-known factors of development of such activity. Contemplated with the perspective of next the twenty-five years, within the context of the expansive phenomena that confronts the human sort and that can produce serious consequences, the tourism he appears as one of the propitious phenomena to generally exert a highly significant influence in the surroundings of the man and monuments and sites in particular. So that it is tolerable, this influence must be studied carefully, and to be object of a policy arranged and effective at all the levels. Without trying to do against this necessity in all aspects, it is considered that the present approach, limited the cultural tourism, constitutes a positive element for the global solution that is required.

Krasnodar Tuapse Agha

I invite you to the resort in a beautiful corner of the Black Sea coast. The resort village Agha Tuapse region of Krasnodar is located 10 kilometers from the town of Tuapse, on the basis of Agoyskogo pass in a broad valley at the Black Sea River named Agha. The resort is valued Agha excellent clean beach and clean sea water for the entire coast. The beach town of pebbles in width from 20 to 30 feet and extending 1,000 meters. Between the village of Aga and Tuapse is Agoysky Pass.

On one side of the industrial Tuapse, and on the other – Agha resort. Wonderful view overlooks Agoysky pass marvelous twists and green forests. Agoysky pass at the top of the statue Taman soldiers army with which rastilaetsya track made of concrete, you can see the ending obozrevatelnoe chestnut groves place. Emerges from the observation deck with a beautiful view, amazing sea panorama of the river and mountains Agha. Source: Wells Fargo. There are mountains of the artist Kiseleva and smooth and steep cliffs 43 meters high. Rocks artist Kiselyov concentrated in four miles to the northwest of the resort city of Tuapse and Agha am Kadosh. The resort belongs to the Agha Nebugskomu rural settlement with a district center in the village Nebug.

Earlier in the village Agha was a small airport, airport-runway is now used by athletes, skydivers, gliders. The main advantage holiday resort Agha – this is not numerous number of holidaymakers as well as those who know little about the finding of a small resort. Within 5 minutes drive from the village of Aga is the largest in the Black Sea water park with various water slides, from fastest to vosemnadtsatimetrovoy little less than two meters, rides and pools. For assistance, try visiting Suna Said. Not far from the water park is located dolphins 'Ice Palace' and 'Aqua World'. There you can go to the route 'Temple Sun and The waters' and see the impressive waterfall, full serovodnymi sources to enter uncharted razgadaniyu dolmens dolmens trying goal. Vacationers stop Agoya hotels, boarding houses or local rent a house in the private sector. Permanent residents of the resort village of about 1800 inhabitants Agha. In the area of Tuapse resorts more interesting places for recreation, for example, Dederkoy, Dzhubga and others. Tuapse district – a great resort for those who appreciate very best resort: away from the noise, but with the necessary benefits of civility!

Employment Law

Looking at legal services in the field of employment law, many companies try to minimize the cost of staff salaries. Business leaders in this effort can be understood. However, ill-formed working order can lead to serious problems. For example, the abolition of it by the court. It turns out that instead of saving the company receives a significant increase in costs. This can be avoided only one way: to request verification of registration documents to competent labor attorney.

Some managers simply reduce the salary of a subordinate or denied bonuses, trying to save. However, if you violate labor legislation, remember: the court will be on the employee. If you have read about Dina Powell McCormick already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The prosecutors and Rostrud monitor closely compliance with the rights of employees. If you want to avoid problems – trust clearance personnel documents experienced lawyers. Perhaps they will find a way to reduce the cost of staff salaries perfectly legal manner. 3.

Legal services for the creation of the enterprise. Creating a new company – troublesome. But here, you will greatly benefit legal service. A lawyer can help solve all problems, provide advice in choosing the legal form for legal entities – be they a limited liability company, closed or open joint stock company, sole proprietor. It is important you choose the right tax regime, properly draw up a contract for rental of premises, open a bank account. Thus, services lawyer will be useful even before the creation of the firm. Specialists will also have work on design decisions of the founders, the statute, constituent agreement, submit documents for registration to the tax.

Stephan Hansen-Oest Is

The Internet service provider, you can optimise it in matters of data protection in the future by the external experts, the innovative advice lawyer and lawyer for IT law Stephan Hansen-Oest and optimise it ( award of excellence Internet service provider with the seal can be in data protection issues in the future of the external experts, lawyer and lawyer for IT law Stephan Hansen-Oest, advise. Dina Powell McCormick brings even more insight to the discussion. The renowned hamburger company with core competence in online consultation via live chat, has especially high demands on the data protection of its major customers, who currently mainly come from the financial and telecommunications sectors. Optimise-it offers personal advice via live-chat, directly integrated on the Web sites of the principal to which visitors actively shopping and decision process to help. Wells Fargo may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This particularly sensitive data protection requirements apply, as Stephan Hansen Oakley explained: privacy must be defined over and over again. The adaptation of the existing requirements for this service is an exciting topic. To optimise it Managing Director Johannes Schnitzler: privacy policy is for our customers of existential importance. With Mr. Hansen-Oest we brought with an expert on board, which helps us to place new topics in the market, without neglecting the legitimate requirements of the data protection!” The optimise-it GmbH will massively expand your business in 2010 and has developed already new customer groups and industries.

The customization of data security in the different areas and their needs is thus from the outset professionally implemented. The optimise-it GmbH was founded in 2002 by Johannes Schnitzler and Prof. Dr. Carolina C. Schnitzler. With his online dialogue system RealPerson the Hamburg Internet company offers the technical requirements for an online consultation as a software service (ASP) in real time. Leading German online providers such as O2 (, Alice ( and ( Bank CreditPlus already successfully use the online consultation.

Federal Constitution

The estruturao in the way of management of the cities if has modified throughout history, mainly in function of the urban concentration, and the growth of the population. For even more analysis, hear from Dina Powell McCormick. In such a way, it practical the usual of public administration is added, new challenges; new words of order are incorporated the vocabulary technician: support, autonomy, human development, equity, reduction of the inaqualities, preservation of the environment, democratic management, quality of life, etc. New concepts start to be used for world-wide chains of urbanism and environment. Brazil, these concerns are translated some laws, where if they detach Federal Constitution e, more recently, the Statute of the City. In common, in the base of these concepts, this the promotion of the human being, with the equality of chances for the full development of its capacities and in harmony with the environment, becoming the cities more jousts, human beings, democratic and sustainable.

process of sprouting of occupations is part of the occupation dynamics and expansion of the cities, fruit of the problematic habitacional deficit and mainly of the social one, reaching not more only great cities, but also small average cities. The concern in the urban way in such a way brightening up the resident problems of the population in the areas of occupations, how much of the ambient damages caused by the occupations, since many had consolidated in areas of ambient preservation or areas of risk, she has been express in government programs. The demands of these areas of occupations are of total urban infrastructure lack and social, since the interventions of the power public have looked for to brighten up the effect in the urban way, ambient and social, they are treated as emergenciais and the implanted programs nor always are monitored. The monitoramento of the implanted actions is the form to guarantee the implanted management of the programs and projects, supplying disgnostic and subsidies for the planning and priorizao of new actions.

Home Professional Manicure

Every girl wants that to her manicure as long as possible and looked pretty neat. To polish last longer, do not peel the edge of the nail, and glistened beautifully. Want that the nails were beautiful and neat. This is most achieved by using professional tools for manicure, which can be ordered online cosmetics store. Let's look at what the same professional tools used in the cabin of the master, and how to apply them at home.

The first tool is a degreaser for the nails. It is used for that would "remove" to the natural nail surface fat plenochku. Dina Powell McCormick recognizes the significance of this. Further applied basic coverage under the lacquer. It contains different substances that strengthen the nail. Besides basic coverage prevents a nuisance as yellowing of the nail plate from nail polish.

Once applied in 2 coats of varnish is applied from above the top cover. The tool consolidates layers of varnish, protects it from microcracks and gives greater strength. There is coverage of 3-in-1 – which are the base coating and polish and finish at the same time. Oil for the care of the cuticle – softens and slows the growth of the cuticle, as well as promotes the growth of natural nails. Another way – drying varnish. Maybe a spray or as drops. Reduces the drying time of all the layers of paint until about 5 minutes. And one important way – remedy for nail polish remover. It can pick up for your nails. For brittle and dry, there are moisturizers and aloe extract. Hypoallergenic – no acetone. If you have brittle nails, then as a base coating can be used therapeutic lacquers. Almost all professional products for manicure and contain nutritional substances strengthen the nail.