Marketing – an integral structure of doing business in today's market environment. All the company's activities in the environment – is marketing. Customers, suppliers, competitors, marketing, pricing, advertising, PR, exhibitions, sales promotion, all this marketing. A study of consumer behavior, product development, brand, packaging, service, everything is also marketing. Strategy in the market, how to beat competitors civilized legal means, all the marketing. Properly conducted market research and develop a marketing plan can significantly increase profits. But the conditions market is constantly changing, so the marketer is so important to constantly raise their level of education.
Training on marketing can in a short time to master the theoretical material and practical skills. Trainings Marketing designed specifically for professionals and managers of marketing services of large, medium and small companies. During training, practical knowledge of instructors and consultants are divided, having a successful experience in implementing business projects in the field of marketing, as well as acting heads of the relevant services. Training in marketing have their own specificity, depending on the qualifications of a specialist. For Head – the emphasis on strategic marketing planning. For professionals, managers and analysts – to implement a marketing plan, advertising, marketing and operational management of marketing. For owner – the overall structure of the marketing organization.
As a rule, identified two reasons for attending training sessions on marketing – is a professional need and career plans. Training is considered as additional education that improve the value of a specialist in the labor market. Training on marketing responded quickly to the changing economic situation in the country and the world. The most pressing issue today for marketers – that you can take to organize an effective marketing during the crisis. Trainings are ready to offer the most effective methods of crisis management marketing. Economic crisis imposes its own characteristics to conduct marketing, and they must adapt. The new marketing strategy takes into account the reduction in advertising expenditures and research and adjust marketing organization in the enterprise. As the teachers training in marketing, in very recent times, the demand on the topics of strategic marketing and marketing research. Increase the popularity of these areas may indicate reorientation of enterprises with short-term goals for long-term. In the second place in popularity – training in brand management and advertising and PR. The most popular are educational programs on branding FMCG-products. Recently, the demand for training in preparation of marketing plan. Apparently, this is due to the fact that marketing is now being applied more systematically in the companies, and marketers should be able to expect their actions in advance. Often, training in marketing are conducted in corporate form. What gives companies? First, and foremost, an understanding of the importance and nature of marketing in their approach to daily business.