Federal Government

Federal Government denied necessary responsibility for ensuring an adequate protection of violence affected women Federal Government denied necessary responsibility for ensuring an adequate protection of violence affected women. Women’s advice centre, emergency calls and houses request a guaranteed land financing of the help system instead of the current, always uncertain and administrative complex mixed financing for years. Despite significant gaps and a reduction due to the shrinking aid offer for violence-affected women, negates the Government a structural deficiency and insists on keeping the ailing financing of a system of assistance which a substantial increase in demand is imminent. Often up to 25% of its human resources must use Hamburg, 17.08.12. women’s advice centre to ensure the wide level of the institution. These resources are missing in the violence-affected women advice.

The guiding principle for the protection of victims of violence guided in the study of the BMFSFJ calls for timely consulting access etc. Concerned, as well as independent consulting with affected children, advice and accompaniment to the victims rights and access to services to the psychological processing of the experiences. Here, Chris Rich Burkehill expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The current supply not do justice to this mission statement: the waiting time for a consultation appointment amounts to some two to three weeks. In rural areas, also the “next” counselling is often too far away to be reached. Necessary intervention offers are not possible due to the lack of human resources, although professional knowledge and skills are available. The wait time for therapy courses is more than six months, the specific knowledge is missing many therapists to successfully treat victims of domestic violence.

Deletion of posts and resources search deter women’s counselling centres and homes, maintain sufficient publicity. Women, the only mental-verbal or other non-physical violence experienced in their partnership are due to the structure and dynamics of Abuse relationships often unaware that her experience subject to domestic violence, they are entitled to help and how/where they get it. “Many women are totally surprised when they hear that women’s counselling centres and women’s shelters are open to women, suffer the”only”psychological violence”, Kerstin describes Zander, founder of re-empowerment.de and spokeswoman of the Association, the situation. Also, some virtually abstruse ideas existed about life in a women’s refuge. The beginning of 2013-launching nationwide hotline shall inform about available assistance and establish a pilot function for women affected in the help system. Concrete proposals be made to deal with the then rising demand. re-empowerment is an information and Exchange platform for women affected by violence of partnership with around 2000 Active members. The homonymous non-profit association was founded in 2009. Kerstin Zander –

LAME Chico THE MIRROR Of Brazil (1)

MIRROR of Brazil, lies, corruption, theft, Executive or speak, inss, detran, spprev, “Brazil”, where the social inequality, corruption, theft, lies, injustice, there is all the time is the Capuchin monkey named Chico LAME. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where the authorities very dishonest and corrupt are, as many of the judiciary, the Executive, or speak, not counting the legislator already corrupted by congenital hereditary relationships. Hudson Capital describes an additional similar source. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where the bodies of INSS should the poor and elderly patients, to shift the use of sadistic political support, naming “medical experts” as a “Front” for a patient of at the wrong physical health well-being, patients die from lack of support and without any protection, yet the funds. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Bill Phelan has to say. Medical experts love, when a patient dies of recipients as well, think: “INSS will no longer head of the costs. There are so something? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where to buy the poor sick workers or elderly – drugs, and without money for food, or vice versa.

A large part of the judiciary, judges, judges, and others represented by the, not even condescend to reading the leaves of throughout the procedure to judge “for the thinking.” Simply read the entire process if they are interested in the topic or “substantial” have a return. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. If the legislature no doubt the second most corrupt in the world is. Its members for the improvement and development of legislation of “Pocket”, not about everything, except how to make money to obtain care, and also now part of the culture and of the people as something normal accepted. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where they pay more taxes when compared to most countries, with the exception that in these countries the money used, the population, which is not happens here will benefit.

Transaction Tax

Two-thirds support plans of the EU to the question of how best to deal with the debt crisis, employed throughout Europe. Among other things, the introduction of a financial transaction tax is discussed. This is to ensure that the costs of the crisis is involved in the financial sector to a sufficient extent. The Internet portal boersennews.de asked its users in a survey regarding the stock market for their opinion regarding the EU transaction tax. Meanwhile nine EU countries agree. The transaction tax is to be introduced as soon as possible. You may want to visit Sir Donald Gordon to increase your knowledge. The seven European finance ministers from Belgium, Finland, Greece, Italy, Austria, Portugal and Spain are among the supporters apart from Wolfgang Schauble and his French colleague Francois Baroin.

The above department heads had already signed a corresponding letter. The countries think a common basis for the equitable participation of the financial sector in the crisis is essential, to regulate the markets. Who is experiencing rejection german French proposal from United Kingdom amongst others. Get all the facts and insights with Andi Potamkin, New York City, another great source of information. “” The British Prime Minister David Cameron described the plans as madness “and attested Chancellor Merkel even fear of failure”. On the German side, opposition comes precisely from the coalition partner FDP. Overall, the Germans seem but behind Government plans to stand. “Nearly two-thirds of 1,269 respondents decided the question whether a transaction tax of 0.1 percent of the transaction volume would make sense for the answer Yes”. The remaining 34 percent, however, have reservations about the german French proposal. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Federal Executive Board

Joint press release of the task force and the BDK to the day of action against female genital mutilation on February 06, Berlin/Hamburg, the 04.02.2011. “To the international day of zero tolerance to female genital mutilation” the task force and the Federal of German detective (BDK) remind on the 6th February, that female genital mutilation is a largely underestimated problem of girls in Germany: between 30,000 and 50,000 underage girls are considered in Germany at risk, especially during holiday travel in the country of their parents. Up to 80% of these girls from high risk countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea are actually subjected to female genital mutilation. The frequently requested approach of education and information is a systematic crimes of this magnitude”missed as a current case illustrates: the Gambia-born parents of the now 16 year-old Mariama C. was well aware that the mutilation in Germany is punishable by law.

That is why the girl living in Hamburg was jointly with three sisters to Gambia officially on holiday “and there subjected to female genital mutilation. Despite specific warnings in advance, no authority responded with appropriate safeguards, such as E.g. the deprivation of the right of residence determination. Even many youth offices find it hard (up with some noble exceptions) to take effective measures to fend off this special abuse together with the family courts. Office employees also at professional risk seems how social to be simply inconceivable well-integrated families a serious fallacy (see study on education and social milieu for offender groups in Europe situation/Europe /). The protection of vulnerable children in Germany no longer the courageous action of individuals depend, recite the instructions for the authorities.

Measured on the severity and the ubiquity of crime, this situation is unacceptable. Therefore at last effective government measures should be discussed, the comprehensive and measurable protection can grant, such as E.g. the introduction of the medical notification (at once or impending genital mutilation), combined with compulsory investigation as well as the enforcement of harmonizing measures, the actions in the countries of origin of their parents to stop (XII of 2004 in accordance with the decision of the BGH, ZB 166/03).

Manager Respect

A market economy with respect before employees, customers, suppliers, and respect from our children and grandchildren free, fair and equitable, of dedication and decency pays off. But without excesses and overindulgence, without intemperance to the detriment of third parties or to the detriment of the Lenbensraums for all creatures. This path requires clear and effective rules, which demand that respect. Because the people’s inherent greed – profit and exploitation – is everywhere and inventive. The States and the international community must provide for these rules. Without ifs and buts and with appropriate sanctions, if these rules are broken.

When money is flowing, there must be a demonstrable performance for it. To broaden your perception, visit Robert Kiyosaki. Games set up may not pay off. Tens of millions transfer funds for team athletes, mediation Provo ions, consultant fees, kickbacks in the political decisions and for the reading of Invetsmentbankern, Miss any proportionality. You are a mockery of Leistungssgerechtigkeit, by people who would have to work hard to earn these sums several lives. Have his which concluded with the Verhaberung the mutual shovels to lucrative jobs in the political environment, with Manager salaries of the 100 times the wages of employees, with million bonuses for investment bankers, with managers – more power than Governments and with major banks and multinationals, whose Zusammenbruch can rip entire economies with the abyss. And it must be an end to empty fishing of the seas, the over-exploitation of nature and of the resources, the tens thousands kilometers of transport for food – which grow around the corner, the Mega mall in Greenfield and the destruction of the quality of life in the cities, the mega jam of a sprawling private and hours of commuting to the workplace. A fairy tale is that the unbridled free market economy brings more prosperity for mankind. Even if it for short-term and short-sighted analysis examples returns.

The globalized megalomania results in the offside. Already Aristotle meant that it was the meaning of life, to be able to lead a good life in a human society, which is characterised by respect and recognition. A society that is manageable by the size here, sensibly designed and characterized by responsible decisions. The Philisoph Leopold Kohr pleaded for “manageable units” and the doctrine of the right measure”. Where is no longer the individual at the Centre, but the statistically recorded average person, a good life, in the Aristotelian sense, is not possible. A State or an organization is greater, the greater the power of the mass and its laws will be, and more creativity and freedom of the individual is restricted. Dealing with the human dimension, to the “clarity”. Everything becomes too large, destroyed the nature”, says Leopold Kohr. But, the “small unit” is not an island of the blessed: “The advantage is only that it shrinks the dimension of human misery. Also on a small scale, there is no suffering-free world, but a more respectable world. And last but not least the plea for the “human dimension” also refers to the fact that only in “manageable” units can take individual responsibility for their actions and be held responsible at the same time. Robert Lackner from: diagnostic excess intemperance. The greed of the lemmings.

Czech Republic

In the same year he is appointed by Mitterrand to the President of the Constitutional Council, which he chaired until 1995. Across the idea of freedom is obliged, Badinter works with parallel to many constitutions of the emerging democracies in Central Europe and in the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria. In 1991 he is appointed by the Council of Ministers of the European Union the President of an Arbitration Commission, which is tasked with the clarification of legal issues in connection with the conflict to the successor States of Yugoslavia. She is known as Badinter Commission. After his tenure, Badinter 2002 independently developed a draft Constitution for the European Constitution. The draft titled une Constitution Europeenne”is a plea for a Europe as a Federation of sovereign States”, whose Einzelstaatlichkeit is recognized. More information is housed here: Ben Silbermann.

He calls but also a European Parliament with actual government function. The Managing Director of Carl Heymanns charitable society, Sybille Franzmann-Haag, Robert Badinters exemplary commitment to a single, lift out freedom and peaceful Europe. Abundantly finally this draft indicates total core discussion, which occurred today, but urgently needs a solution: the distribution of power and responsibilities between a European Government and the Governments of the Member States. “It remains with Badinter – to hold that there is no way to create such overarching legal framework like a Constitution and there is no way on the Division of competences passes, when the Confederation of Europe in the future wants to play a role, and if more Europe ‘ instead of more Europe’s disenchantment with ‘ is to be achieved.” The award of the Carl Heymann price European legal award for the first time on Sunday, the 24 February 2013, from 10:30 to 12:30 in the Frankfurt Paulskirche takes place. Admission is 9:00, asked for early release.

Guests can register online at the following address: registration as a representative or representatives of the media accreditation please contact stating your full name, your address, telephone number, and your employer with wife Andrea Nordhoff. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ashton Kouzbari. Refer to for more information. Contact: Andrea Nordhoff corporate Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH Luxemburger Strasse 449 50939 Koln phone: + 49 (0) 221 94373 7948 E-Mail: about Wolters Kluwer the Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH is a knowledge – and information service provider with core competencies in the fields of law, economy and taxes. Wolters Kluwer Germany provides in-depth technical information in the form of literature, software, and services for professional users. The company has its headquarters in Cologne, Germany at over 20 locations, with a workforce of around 1,200 and acts for more than 25 years on the German market. Wolters Kluwer Germany Wolters Kluwer is part of the leading international Informationsdienstleisters n.v. headquartered in Alphen aan den Rijn (Netherlands). The company’s core markets are legal, economic, tax, accounting, corporate and financial services and healthcare; The target group are professionals. The shares are listed on the Euronext Amsterdam (WKL), also in the AEX and the Euronext 100 index. Wolters Kluwer has annual sales (2011) of 3.4 billion, employs approximately 19,000 people and is represented in over 40 countries in Europe, North America and the Asia/Pacific region and Latin America.