Victor Hugo

In 1823 Frederic Lemetre it initiates what we could assign as the formal interpretation of the actor, it inverts the positions of the actors, transforming the comic actor who was a mere coadjuvante in the protagonist. This new paradigm goes to change history of the theater, with the appearance of the teatral author, with the publication and stage of famous and recognized writers already, as for example, Victor Hugo in 1847 that it goes to inside work the grotesco with the sublime one of the teatral scene. Hear other arguments on the topic with Sir Donald Gordon. In the continuity of this process, with the expansion of the paper of the actor, Ricobone starts to think about the actor and its art, as to interpret, as to state an emotion and it publishes a book (manual) on the subject, this book goes to serve as reference for the Brazilian Caetano Joo who goes to publish its book ‘ ‘ Lies dramticas’ ‘. It is of utmost importance to mention that until this moment not yet the paper had appeared of the director. Official site: Liberty Life. The romantic Theater appears together with the aesthetic revolution of Baungartem that moves away the too much cartesian rationalism from the Classicismo in benefit of the individuation of the artist, brings for the first time in History the notion of genius. This new aesthetic one – differently of the aesthetic neo-classic that was very on to an ideology of rendering of services, that is, a theater highly canonizado the service of the Crown? it can be considered as ‘ ‘ marginal’ ‘ , bringing the concern with the figurino, the scene, the decoration, the illusion and the teatral game. At last, it is from the middles of sc.

The Man, Nature And Science

The history of the man and its convivncia with natural way are study object since the establishment of the relation society-nature. Initially with appreciation of the component elements of the system of biodiversity it made leading the studies and the analysis of each phenomenon that occurs in its return as, for example, the elucidantes fire, thunder, light, movement, lightning and too much sources in its field of vision. The development of science is petitioned in the roots of the existence human being. Established from of the generic thought in detriment of a futurista perspective, it conjugates all the phases and fields of the knowledge and become facilitador the conditions for the next generations. The cultural somatria of the peoples? mainly inherited of the orientals (Greek, Egyptian, Roman, fencios, etc.)? it fed wheel the revolution of the technique and science to the next future. Astronomy, mathematics and physics had gained searching notables fascinated by the natural phenomena. Science was broken up for the more if it deepened the studies since the religion to the technological beddings. Perhaps check out christie’s art auction for more information.

However, this linking of the man stops with the way was sufficiently extreme occasioning in effect paradoxes, in what it says respect to the proper distanciamento of both the agent modellers of the time. Modernity until then was estagnada and limited of its growth, with sights to the religious premises wants restrained the practical one of the reason at the time. A conquered time the freedom of the philosophy and science to be multiplied, the new modern period walked to the wide steps extending and miscigenando customs, among others. The advance of the research and the study never was so quick: only in about half century a torrent of electronic devices inventions the direction of the time, had printed marks in the social life, had always continued to gain force and prestige to the measure that if increased the necessity. In the current times this development gains speed still more. With the call globalization what to see itself it is technological introduction in the industries, hospitals, facultieses and other institutions. Not obstante, all these applications its harmful effect to the environment and the life of the man. Elenca the consequences and implications that modify the natural cycle and systems, the restricted access to the ranks of work for those exempt ones of qualification, confinement of old cultures, among others. All these aspects draw the current scene and will go to redefine the next perspectives.


Of these, 93.33% outside presented of the standard for fecais coliformes and 96.67% aureus the 10 superior values UFC/g for S. Studies carried through with samples of frescal cheese mines harvested in bars, supermarkets, bakeries and free fairs of the City of Viosa, MG being 75% proceeding from farms and 21.5% of laticnios, evidenced the following average levels of contamination: 3,2 x 10—7 UFC/g stops Staphycococcus spp, 2,3 x 10—5 NMP/g for termotolerantes coliformes. These results extremely indicate high contamination of the cheese, being that 89.2% of the samples were in disagreement with the standard for termotolerantes coliformes, in this same research, all the samples had presented high levels of Staphylococcus spp, sufficient so that significant production of enterotoxinas in this food occurs (SPRUNG FROM THE SAME FATHER AND MOTHER, 2008). Read more from WDGMC to gain a more clear picture of the situation. A study carried through for PEAR TREE et al. (1999), that it evaluated analytical assays for detention of termotolerantes coliformes in cheese mines, amongst them, 20 samples of the frescal variety, showed that 18 of these, cultivated in broth EC, were of the legal specifications. A work carried through for ROCK et al. (2006), it evaluated seven marks (the 3 4 lots each) of cheese-of-mines frescal acquired in supermarkets of how much the evolution of the microbiana contamination during its life of shelf, the standardization and the quality.

Amongst the definitive parameters they were the counting of Staphylococcus spp. coliformes. All the marks, except one, had presented indices of contamination above of the recommendable one. Analyses how much to the most likely number of coliformes, counting of positive Staphylococcus coagulase, presence of Salmonella spp. in 40 samples of cheese-of-mines they had been carried through in a work made for BRANT et al. (2007). Of these, twenty and four samples (60%) had presented coliformes 5 45 C above of 10 x UFC/g and thirty and three samples (82.5%) had presented counting of 10 positive Staphylococcus coagulase above of UFC/g and this microrganismo revealed most frequent, being that 21 samples (53%) had presented 105 countings above of UFC/g.

Brazil Promoting

The promotion of the healthful aging for the deficient intellectual involves: adaptation of the health services, with sights to the maintenance of its functionality, stimulaton to the physical activity, nutricional orientation and control of the risk behavior, as well as in the assistance to familiar and the adaptation of the social environment to the demands of its aging. Music in the stimulation of the psicomotoras functions in therapeutical workshop the influences of music front the specific stimulatons, act in cognitivas areas lmbicas, establishing connection emotion, reason and movement, related in this research with the aspects of the psicomotricidade according to Wallon: affection, cognition and motricidade. The human brain concentrates in hipotlamo, center of the emotions, the reminiscncias most remote. It is in this cerebral area, that music leaves its deeper marks, associating memory and souvenirs to the emotions, becoming them perennial, to the meeting of the affirmation of that the memory presides over a set of abilities of varied modules of the nervous system, at the same time independent and cooperative. Learn more on the subject from Carrie Levin. The use of music and its resources are a creative and pleasant stimulaton. Singing, touching, to create and to recriar musics and noises, that constitute the sonorous description of an individual, can act more effectively in the prevention of accented cognitivas losses, thus promoting, the improvement of the mental and global health of the individual. rmation. By means of the Sonorous Identity of the individual, space for souvenirs confides, promoting the conscience of here? now, reactivated for the noises, it makes to relembrar personal, familiar and social histories, experiences, to favor the elaboration and the desvendamento of internal conflicts, emotions and feelings and the rescue and conscience of its identity. To create a positive environment for the socialization and cognitiva stimulation, in music as aesthetic, it searchs beauty and the harmony of the noises, either in touching or musical listening, promoting the practical ones related to the popular and erudite culture; musical folklore of Brazil and the world; chorale and musical group, searching to offer to knowledge and the improvement of the possibilities and capacities sonorous-musical comedies. .

Artificial Plants

It illuminates a room with artificial plants. It creates a masterpiece with its distinct and vast variation. They are an excellent alternative for the natural plants in the decoration of one annoying room. Projected with perfection, these item are difficult to distinguish from the original plant. Frankly, with the adequate choice of the color and texture that nobody never goes to think that they are made by the man. Surprising worked artificial plants for decoration well they can be accurate rejoinders of the original plants. One, certainly finds difficult distant distinguiz it but a touch in the viewfinder. The use of artificial plants is possible to adapt the nature and frees it for inside of beauty.

This flexible item can be placed in any place that requires a red fir of color. Generally made of light materials it can in accordance with easily reorganized its preference. It is a decoration of insurance for the tanks of fish. The plastic is the material more comumente used for these ornaments. Its flexibility, durability and versatility allow one better delivery of the best plants and flowers of the world.

Practically its component can easily mold its desired form. However, the use of silk clothes and others have been traditionally used to create this art. Floriculturas times uses ribbons as an alternative for buttons of rose in its central part. The durability of these ornaments is really notable. Its resistance is capable to keep its form although the accidents or blow, becoming the perfect choice for the tanks of water fish candy. It can last practically a long time, depending on as one keeps its choice of plants.


Normally they agree one or more diverse steps of action and of reaction. Some methods of functioning of turbines exist the vapor. In the turbine You tan, the pressure of the vapor that leaves the boiler is changedded completely into speed, this had to a special form that the shovels possess, in which the vapor loses in each one of the turbines alone a part of the speed. One says that a speed scheduling exists. In the turbine of constant pressure or impulse turbine, in contrast of the turbine you tan, the vapor that leaves the boiler loses only one part of its pressure and consequently the speed that reaches is lesser. Removed Site $turbina-the-vapor Advantages of the turbine the vapor vapor Use the high pressure and high temperature.

High efficiency? High speed of rotation. High relation /tamanho power? Soft operation, almost without vibration. It does not have necessity of internal lubrication. Vapor in the exit without oil? It can be constructed with different powers: small units (1MW) or very great (1200MW). Disadvantages? A system of gears for low rotations is necessary.

The turbine the vapor cannot be made reversible. The efficiency of small turbines the simple vapor is poor. Other leaders such as russell reynolds offer similar insights. Definitions of the Thermodynamics ‘ ‘ Thermodynamics is the science that deals with Heat and Work and its Inter-relaes’ ‘ Callen: ‘ ‘ Thermodynamics is the study of the macrocospic results of myriads of atomic coordinates that, in virtue of statistical averages, do not appear explicit in the macrocospic description of sistema’ ‘ Kestin: ‘ ‘ The science of the Thermodynamics is a branch of the Physics. It describes the natural processes in which the temperature changes play an important role. Such processes involve the transformation of a form of energy in another one.

The Mathematics

It is important to demonstrate that the mathematics is not restricted only to the manipulation of numbers and operations, and that its use is essential and common in day-by-day of the individuals, therefore practical its must be exercised. It is standed out that the adopted methodology was analysis of texts of inherent books and articles to the subject. A form of compendiar the analysis searched, in a work that had the matrix of objetividade and wealth of data. All the bibliographical research was in felt to more than come close the history of the Mathematics, in order to bring subsidies for the work. 2REVISO OF LITERATURE 2.1A IMPORTANCE OF the MATHEMATICS In accordance with Bongiovanni, (1990), the Mathematics is part of the life of all the people, with bigger frequency to the measure that the years go if passing and a time that are coexisted and needed some types of calculations, geometric, logical figures, etc and to be learned, she is necessary basically of motivation. However still it is common to hear celebrates it question: ' ' So that to study Mathematics? ' '. As Andrini (1989) the study of the mathematics clarifies to this question with three basic answers: the mathematics allows optimum knowledge of the reality; the mathematics can assist in the organization of the reasoning; the mathematics provides great discoveries.

The mathematics if finds in the base of all scientific and technological advance. It is relatively easy to verify, for intermediary of the historical analysis of Mathematics, its essential function in the call technological progress that determined and determines the disequilibrium between nations, that made possible and makes possible conquest and settling, that caused and cause domain of a social classroom for another one. The Mathematics is universal, independent of factors as language, geographies or economies (D? AMBRSIO, 1986). For Saints (1961) the study of the Mathematics she is direct and first on to the study of the numbers and the presence of these it happens in the first years of life of a child, that is, of – also in the Infantile Education. .

The Assay

The resultant inlaid works will be of high quality, of form and size uniform, and needs a short time of process. The inlaying the cold is acceptable for a great series of samples admitted in the laboratory, and also for individual samples. In general, the resins for inlaying the hot one are less expensive of what resins for inlaying the cold. However, a press for the inlaying is necessary the hot one. Some resins for the inlaying the cold can be used for impregnation the vacuum. Description of the assay: The silica process is initiated passing desmoldante in the container of the embutidora.

The test body is placed centering it in the machine, after that a measure of bakelite is placed, closes it cover. Then kg/cm is applied a pressure of 115, through a lateral handspike that sets in motion a hydraulical piston, to never exceed the limit of 150 kg/cm. All time that the pressure to diminish, has that to increase moving it the handspike. After a time of 5 minutes leaves the test body. 3 Passo – Lixamento the proper lixamento removes the surface damaged or deformed of material, while limited amounts of new deformations are only introduced.

The goal is a plain surface with minimum damages that can easily be removed during burnishing, in the lesser possible time. Generally they are used sandpapers in record formats in a called equipment politriz. These records possess abrasive materials, as carbeto of silicon. It is sandpapered first with thick sandpapers, as the defects go being reduced, change for finer sandpapers of granulometria, trying sufficiently to reduce the deformations of the sample, in order to facilitate burnishing. Description of the assay: After the inlaying, obeying the correct granulometria, of the sandpaper thickest for finest, initiates the process in the manual sander with the water sandpaper 220, for conformation of the imperfections most rustic, always taking the care not to round off the edge of the test body.


1.5.1 – 1 PERIOD OF TRAINING – Motor Sensrio According to Gomes, psychologist (2010) in this phase that occurs until the 02 years of age, the child goes acquiring motor abilities and increasing its autonomy. The preference of the child in this phase is the soil, it leaves the cradle and with joy in the attempts of imitation of it speaks, learns to discover the pleasure in the body. He discovers through the tricks to the return the exploration of objects through the directions, the motor action and the manipulation. For Piaget (1999), on this phase, approximately to the two years of age, the child is based exclusively on the practical one: to beat in a box, to catch an object, to play a ball etc. The projects sensrio motor are constructed from innate, used consequences for the baby to deal with the environment.

already for Hunter (2005, p.21), ' ' the child perceives the environment and acts on ele' '. The author still places that since the first days of life, the child perceives visual stimulation, auditory and tctil. He is not recommended to the use of mbiles of cradle of the baby, toys special to shake, to absorb, to balance, etc. From basic the neurological consequences, the baby starts to construct action projects to assimilate the way mentally. In this motor sensrio period it is where the social interaction of the child sufficiently is limited, predominates the isolated toy, more than exploratrio character, where the child seems to explore the potentialities of objects. In such a way, a playful character can already be perceived in as sub-period of training of the sensrio-engine (between 1 and 4 messes of age) when the baby executes the primary reactions circular, that go to include in adaptativo element, the direction that they give to the baby a form to explore itself proper and to the surrounding environment, but that they also include an element, when repeated many and many times playful, what if manifest for the smile or even though for the laugh, in the case of the developed baby more.

The child, in this phase, demands necessity of attendance permanently individualizado of the professor to work with each one of the babies, every day, observing the reactions, the characteristics and the individual development. The professor must have conscience that the materials (toys and other objects as boxes, cloths, balls, rings, bambols, cubes, fancies, etc.) are intermediate and supporters of the adult relation/child and child/child. It is advisable that if he organizes the environment that will have to be aconchegante and challenging, allowing the free exploration of the babies, with diversity of materials, that will go to contribute for its development, being favored the curiosity and making possible many discoveries. The necessary baby of the physical contact with the people, so that he constructs a positive auto-image and he can face the challenges that will be considered to it throughout its growth. He is important that the professor establishes one strong affective relation with the babies, talking very with them singing frequent songs, that can to contribute for the development of the language. 1.5.2 – 2 PERIOD OF TRAINING: Daily pay? Operatrio. According to Piaget (1999) this phase, of the 02 to the 07 years, approximately, allows the child to make use, beyond constructed practical intelligence in the previous phase of the possibility of action project interiorizados, calls of representative or symbolic projects. This phase is common to the child to be self-centered, that is, he is autocent

DEVELOPMENT In Improvement

There they were the trays, parts and the data. Unhappyly, not possua the rules, reason for which we cannot know as if it played. Since the times most remote, the old ones already had an immense wisdom. They knew that the trick was very important for the integral development of the human being. The trick is present in our lives since the birth until the adult phase, is the form most pleasant to express the freedom and the pleasure.

' ' The games and toys, even so being a present element always in the humanity since its beginning, also did not have the connotation that they have today, they were seen as fteis and they had as objective the distraction and recreio.' ' When applied well to the playful education it can contribute for the improvement of education, as much in the qualification how much in the formation it criticizes of educating valuing it for optimum. The games have its educative function, therefore, to play, the children need to respect the rules, to decide, to feel the necessity to think to decide its strategy. Exactly that she has rightnesss and errors, they make with that the child exercises its intelligence, participates actively, constructing an interaction during the accomplishment of the game. 2. LITERAL DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the National Curricular Parameters an excellent aspect in the games is the genuine challenge that they provoke in the pupil, who generates interest and pleasure. Therefore, it is important that the games are part of the pertaining to school culture, fitting to the professor to analyze and to evaluate the educative potentiality of the different games and the curricular aspect that if desenvolver&#039 desires; (PCN, 1997,48-49). We can yes contribute with the improvement of the learning of the mathematics and to develop the taste for disciplines. To see it in different way, taking the child to have one better apprehension of the mathematical concepts, having as consequence an improvement in the quality of life of the children.