Without private disability protection, the protection of labour is eliminated since for young people, disability protection has been removed from the statutory pension insurance, the media increasingly report about the precarious subject. The problem lies not only in the still insufficient awareness in the population. It is difficult to find a fair disability insurance for many people lately. Many insurers are now assuming the generally strict. Usually only every fourth without bigger problems comes to a contract.
At this point ask many what you should complete even then a disability insurance? The profession is at the Centre of our life, in two respects: on the one we spend a huge portion, sometimes most of the time of our lives with our profession, our work. On the other hand the profession decides significantly, what we eat, how we our leisure, make our holiday, in which We live area, what car we drive, we can pursue whatever hobbies and more. Why? The activity exercised by us is our source of income! Not only that. The profession exercised not only decide our possibilities during working life, but also about the opportunities that has everyone in the retirement age, which he can offer his children. Overall, the Professional represents the only source who decides about the weal and woe. But what happens if you suddenly no longer exercising the profession? When you get berufsunfahig? Without a corresponding hedging often facing financial nothing! Since the statutory pension insurance for disability does not provide services, it is recommended to complete a disability insurance, in the case of the case, more or less to maintain his standard of living.
This applies in particular to self-employed and freelance. Does the statutory pension insurance for disability, the paid occurs when the disability insurance already then, when you can no longer exert the profession last exercised at least 50%. Many believe that a disability insurance is still not necessary during training or studying. Unfortunately, this is a fallacy. “Because in recent years many insurers have tightened the rules for the adoption of an occupational disability insurance dramatically: even quite a few, some smaller years ago and completely healed” diseases or but, for example, high blood pressure and allergies result in the rejection of the application to exclusions or higher premiums. In addition a general accepted higher insurance risk with increasing age. In this respect, it is to recommend, already at a young age online or directly at the local insurance broker of you can trust a disability insurance comparison. In this way, many different, cheap BU tariffs are possible.