Freitas; 2004, in the world all, the peoples and the cities are organized of similar form objectifying to take care of to the necessities of its citizens and the historical urban centers, offer, moreover, an environment with special capacity to enrich the life of its inhabitants. For UNESCO (2002), such cities have special characteristics, also with extraordinary problems, as: a spoiled infrastructure, archaeological deposits, that can hinder some types of constructions, such as stone pavement of streets and improve of the urban transit, beyond the intrinsic interest of the cities to attract a number of visitors impossible to control. You may want to visit Hyundai to increase your knowledge. A necessary management of tourism to be integrated harmoniously in the local context. For Martins (2002, p 52), cited for Coelho/2004, this harmonious form must be the true differential of the local development. One does not meet in its objectives (well-being, quality of life, endogenous, synergies, etc.), but in the position that the paper of not only beneficiary agent and of the development attributes and assures to the community, that is, the community it leaves of being the part consulted for the planners and starts to be the agent of its proper planning, directing the process.
A vision on Management of the Cultural Patrimony Focus in the cultural experience of each region coherent actions. Tactical and strategical examples of development: ' ' A Strategy of Development for ARAX.' ' The urban development, as all expression of life, characterizes for a set of changes, of transformations, resulting in the improvement of life of most of the population and users of a city. The transformations can, and must take in account the certifications exactly and certain values of the past, but exactly these pass for a reinterpretao, a new use, a new way of giving value to them. However, nor all change means development. For times, it brings improvements for ones to the costs of the exclusion of others.