Few things learned from you with your wise words and tips!. Taught us the meaning of savings, which humans need the heat of the companion, the helping hand of the word of consolation.You were always attentive to the daily performance of your daughters, aware of how much thing said on the television or radio work carry out, pending the innumerable visits of one to look after him sleep until afternoon and kisses in your bald (head) of the other.Love you profess is so big, so big that there are no words to describe it, is a feeling, an emotion, is the fear that something bad happens to you, and by this same fear, silently without that nobody found out, had an anger towards those years that fell upon you and us away from the possibility of your cuddle, of your love, of your dreams, you wanted always present.We understood that there were many your zest for life, that you fought, you not given with the disease that affected your strength, because you know that before the smallest signal that we needed, which soldiers were there, next to you, ensuring your dreams, thoroughly, taking care as you did with us for years.Day after day we were here beside you and from your sick bed te volviste silent, with the look lost in search for that well-being that will allow you to share with your girls again. Seeing distant, meanwhile, one of your shoots struggle with their tears that are flowing which spring, and the other kisses your arms, your chest, your head, trying to tear you away from that reality that the US clothes but do not want to assume. THE BIG MAN IS ON THE VERGE OF SPLITTING. We would give life if it were possible to make that not happen.Nothing was done, hour after hour, night after night at the foot of your bed, hopeful that you levantarias and we would again see you sitting in your favorite chair, under la mata mango in this courtyard that is lost in the distance, worrying inasmuch as he spoke to you about. But it was useless, I say, it was not useless, gave you everything: always with you. Feelings: law of life, you had for many years, never enough to enjoy you. Perhaps we are selfish but we love making presence here, however we can not contradict the will of God that decides your game to another level.From this rostrum, beside you, accompanying you as always, junticas in perfect harmony with this Green nature where you lie, you say, as you were saying about us: Pa we love you, you are our pride. And on this day by the hand of the guide we ask Diocito to us care to my Paito. Your twin daughters original author and source of the article.