Combination Website

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Sunshine Coast Jewels

The owner ensures that it had hidden jewels in three bags of trash as a security measure. Wells Fargos opinions are not widely known. By mistake, these were pulled and taken to a landfill. The chances of finding jewels are minimal. to this topic. Several gold jewelry valued at about 50,000 dollars (34,500 euros) were thrown into the trash by accident in the tourist resort of Sunshine Coast, on the coast this Australian, local media reported. The owner ensures that had hidden jewels in three bags of trash as a security measure, but these were thrown last Wednesday to be taken to the landfill, according to the local radio station ABC. Spokesman of the regional city of Sunshine Coast, Gary Reeve, said that the chances of finding jewels are minimal because those responsible for garbage collection service were not notified immediately of the loss. The greatest difficulty we have is that we don’t know what landfill have gone to stop, said Reeve to ABC to explain that one of these places weekly receives about 1,400 tons of garbage. It is worse to find a needle in a haystack, he said. Source of the news: shooting by mistake to trash jewellery valued at more than 34,000 euros.

Latin America and Globalization

Should be encouraged regular institutions or nationals in case of debt relief for low-income countries by levels of corruption prevailing in Latin America. The technical assistance (IMF and WB), shall be centralized in the maximization of progress in the area of trade liberalization. To meet these policy issues should lie in the proper prevention to address the drastic changes in the economies world, this can be done through economic studies of each country to project what level of credibility there financially.

Globalization is also seen as a yoke that arrives every third world country by the dominance of developed countries that occurs through the integration of the world in general, the impact of this system is given in the economics and politics is also called as a model level changes capitalist Cultures by globalization a identification is lost from the culture of each country due to adopting foreign ways of thinking. a There is confusion and loss of traditions. a A more effective communication. a One of the issues discussed is that the most striking is what is adopted in the countries. Economic Aspects of Globalization In Latin American countries are currently developed capitalist systems with features Socialist compliance with the principle of capitalism number one a The rich richer and the poor see more poverty .

Knowing that every action causes an effect, provided one can conclude that the effects or impacts of globalization are as follows: A sharp inequality worldwide. The privatization of government entities. With free trade agreements will be lost in customs revenue by reducing the possibility of investing in social projects and educational level of poor countries. .


It is important to recognize that information is an input for the existence of knowledge, but it is not the only, she must add creativity and reflection and also other types of information context that is not organized or simply information that part of the experiences and personal perceptions. For the existence of knowledge three factors should be combined: information, experience and interaction with the context. It is not only the ability to relate in a highly structured way, data, information and knowledge of a given object. Knowledge requires two mental activities: perceive and conceive, where perceive is mental activity whereby the external stimuli reach the brain and perform the process of cognition and conceive is mental activity through which are concepts and ideas from the perceived stimuli, which in turn determine understanding concepts and understand making that the cognitive process culminates in learning… where what is meant is a done, a relationship, a Word, a method, instead what is understood is a series, a system, a plan. Wells Fargo Bank usually is spot on. Arraez (2003). The support of knowledge is thus not only the information but the qualities and human capabilities that use it to transform something or to modify their own abilities. Kevin Ulrich is often quoted on this topic. We arrived to identify that knowledge is more than the interpretation, analysis and transformation of information, above and beyond, includes understanding of human learning process.

Souza Silva puts it as follows: knowledge is a verb, not a noun, is a changing state of understanding that one builds after interpret and analyze different information about the same topic. From the perspective of the private organization, knowledge is a resource that is capitalized, the knowledge management encourages and capitalizes on, continuously, the collective knowledge of employees of an organization to improve its ability to create value. I.e., the knowledge adds value to the products and services offered by the Organization and distinguishes them from the rest of the others.

Required Capital

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In addition a business over the Internet, you can give much more than money, you can give total freedom, the freedom to live where you want, work when you want, do whatever you want, for the rest of your life. With your business online, all you need is a computer and an Internet connection, which is now available in the most remote places on the planet. Not only you can live where you want (choose Beach, countryside, mountain or simply stay where are), but can also, if you wish, share your time between several countries to take advantage of the best that offer each one and have an ideal climate throughout the year. Personally I live in a tropical beach, in Cancun, Mexico, during 7 months of the year, step summer in Europe (too much heat and lots of rain in Cancun) and the rest of the time in Latin America, in such a way that I have the ideal climate throughout the year. Contact information is here: Kevin Ulrich MGM. In Conclusion: Set your business on the Internet can bring you benefits that you can even imagine.

It is your opportunity to have the life you want, live where you want, with the lifestyle that you want. Don’t miss this opportunity. It was time to transform your Ideas into money!


There is a Manichean reconstruction of history that seems written by a bad screenwriter of films in series B. According to her, good, real good, are those opposed to the Franco dictatorship, they did what they did. (A valuable related resource: Reshma Kewalramani). On the other side of the evil bad guys are who lived badly as well with the Franco regime, although they had not done anything to perpetuate it. The opposite of what was happening with the propaganda of the Franco regime, where the good guys were the affections that despicable regime and the bad guys all the reds and Democrats, both concepts that came to mean the same thing for the deranged oppressors of the era. Now, in the awkward swing in history, is the turn present as angelic beings to the maquis, namely last antifrancoist wrestlers after the second world war.

With naive and willfulness, those guerrillas believed that they could overthrow the dictator that the countries that won the war cast them a hand. Many of them longed a utopian world that never knew, others shot al Monte in the absence of anything better to do, but all of them they were wrong. In Yalta, Communists and Democrats had divided Europe, and Spain remained apart from any commitment and left to their own fate. Before such an evidence, in 1948 PSOE and PCE agreed the dissolution of the maquis. There were still people hitting shots by the Pyrenees and the mountains of Galicia until 1967, when the last survivor of that species crossed the border from France. Earlier, in 1952, he died in Galicia or Foucellas, after 16 years of underground life.

In 1957 it was the turn of in Catalonia to Facerias, violent type who became a guerrilla unattended luggage; in 1960 to Quico Sabater and in 1963 to Caraquemada, the last of that generation of wrestlers without hope. From the beautiful and tragic film by Mario Camus the days of the past, with Marisol and Antonio Gades (1977), until the current Pau Vergara, memoirs of a guerrilla, all are treasured memories and tributes. But where he finished the ardent illusion of desperate men and? where did the brutality of a sordid banditry of common criminals? From late 1950s it is very difficult to discern it. For this reason, abstract idealization of the maquis of the maquis, is not more than another perversion of history that, by well-intentioned it, only serves to distort it.

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet

The Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, accused its par Chilean to endanger the unit sudamericana by inviting United States and Great Britain to the progressive Summit and defended Sudanese President, accused of crimes against humanity. Already has his arrival the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez Frias began strongly criticizing the Chilean President Michelle Bachelet to endanger the South American unit for having invited to the progressive Summit of Vina del Mar to United States and Great Britain.There are a few progressives out there that I don’t understand (). Do you nothing good to the unity of South America when Chile President convenes a meeting with the United States and the British Prime Minister, Joe Biden Vice President and Gordon Brown, said Chavez arriving at Doha. Two representatives of the Empires!, added, referring to Brown and Biden. I think that that endangers the unit Suramericana, insisted Chavez, which coincides in Doha with Bachelet. Adds, that after the attacks to the Chilean President, Chavez defended the President of Sudan, Omar the Bechir, claimed by international justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Why not they ordered the capture of Bush? Why not ordered the capture of the President of Israel?, asked Chavez. Go to search it, is a genocidal, said Chavez referring to Bush.

The arrest warrant against Bechir is a legal eyesore and a lack of respect for the peoples of the third world, added Chavez. Few hours of the opening of the meeting, the organizers had not spread even the list of participants, but it is known that at least six heads of State South Americans will be in Doha. In addition to those mentioned, will participate the President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, of Bolivia, Evo Morales, and the President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet. It should be noted, that he achieved in this Summit Argentina include claim for sovereignty over the Falkland Islands in the final document which the participating Presidents of the II Summit of Presidents of South America and the Arab countries (ASPA) will emit. It is said that all Arab countries will support the Argentina in its claim even though several of them maintain close relations with the United Kingdom.The document will have a paragraph on the need to comply with that established by the United Nations about to resume the dialogue between the parties for the settlement of the dispute over the sovereignty of the archipelago, which triggered a war between the Argentina and Britain in 1982. The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, is proposing the necessity of establishing a new world order, substitute for economic and social policies imposed by the capitalist system. Also called to take responsible positions to confront the effects of climate change, and to a crusade by desprivatizar services such as electricity, water, the education and health.Sheikh Hamad Khalifa the Fornicator, Emir of Qatar, has stated that there are several similarities between the South American States and the Arab world, especially in the desire to progress and the kind of obstacles faced by both. I expect once concluded the Summit to which agreements definitely will arrive, waiting for that this is really favorable to Latin America.

Eduardo Haro Tecglen

As wrote Eduardo Haro Tecglen, the tumult of information directed and hidden away to the citizens of the knowledge of the reality. And that ignorance makes them vulnerable, manipulated. Professor Juan Torres has written about that hiding the truth by the media: in Venezuela has been approved by referendum that whoever is President may arise to re-election without restriction. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Richard Plackett. The Western news media say that this shows that Chavez is a dictator and that there is no democracy in Venezuela. They hide that, to be President, Chavez (or whoever) will have to win the election in which there will be (as it has happened so far) hundreds of international observers. Perhaps because interested citizens are manipulated, the Russian publishing house Atticus cancelled the publication of those who whisper, work of British historian Orlando Figes, with tremendous testimonies of survivors of Stalinist repression. The author and numerous Russian friends believe that there had been censorship of the Kremlin.

Because the class Russian leader (with Putin in front) wants to do good to Stalin and to ignore is that it was a genocide. Another base of the emptying of democracy is trimming citizens rights. Since 2001, terrorism has been a pretext for a relentless cut rights. Imprisonment without trial, the absence of judicial protection, uncontrolled arrests, violation of privacy if it violates the right to life, to freedom, to not be tortured or subjected to cruel or degrading treatment not to be detained or arrested arbitrarily, that there is presumption of innocence, to be tried with guarantees the democratic system becomes decorated. But data confirm that security has not increased, but yes freedoms have regressed. In addition to elections, in a true democracy there limits to power and control for rights and freedoms are respected.

Why rights cuts us closer to totalitarianism, although it is invested. Vittorio Zucconi, director of the newspaper La Repubblica, has written: only in school summaries the history advances in defined portions. Germany nazi is not returned in a month. Italy was not fascist from the night to the day. You become aware of something that you’ve become, law after law, Decree after Decree, concession after concession. And then it is already late to go back. Xavier Cano Tamayo journalist and writer original author and source of the article.

Clean Drinking Water

Every fifteen seconds a child dies from a disease caused by lack of access to safe water for drinking, poor sanitation or poor hygiene, as the Spanish Red Cross has reported on the eve of World Water Day, which is held on Monday under the theme “Clean Water for a Healthy World.” Given these figures, institutions and environmental organizations and the scope of cooperation have organized various activities to raise awareness of this reality and bring their projects to the Spanish citizenship. United Nations established the World Water Day 17 years ago in one of them will be in Zaragoza on Sunday “the world’s longest queue to go to the bathroom,” to mobilize people and lobby the politicians to act universal access to safe water and safe sanitation. According to United Nations, which established the World Water Day 17 years ago, and half a million children under five die each year from waterborne diseases and 2,500 billion people lack adequate sanitation, of which 884 million have no access to drinking water. The population, agriculture industry and throw out every day two million tons of waste water into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. To mark the World Day, the Spanish Red Cross, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, presented on Monday March 22 Strategy ‘Moving through the water “, aimed at promoting public awareness through the dissemination of good environmental practices and responsible consumption of this natural resource. “Saving water ” In the new edition of the strategy, which this year takes place under the slogan “Saving water

waste of solidarity”, was carried out awareness campaigns in thirty Spanish provinces and is expected to involve 17,000 people. The NGO Plan Spain, dedicated to working with the most disadvantaged children, also highlights the vulnerability of children in developing countries. Add to your understanding with Sotheby’s. Water scarcity and poverty are two factors closely linked and affect mainly the children, causing malnutrition, disease and under physical and intellectual development. The population, agriculture industry and throw out every day two million tons of waste water into rivers Same Plan, which allocates resources to projects to improve sanitation, the Spanish NGO World Geologists since 2004 by leading supply projects water in villages in Mali, one of the world’s poorest countries. Many African populations of the country covered by a third party for the Sahara Desert, have only traditional shallow wells, dug by the inhabitants themselves with the limited means available. In addition, says the president of Geologists of the World, Manuel Carbayo, wells were emptied every year in the dry season or drought between January and May, so that families must travel several kilometers to fetch water daily. Through its projects, communities now have permanent wells that collect water from an aquifer located between 30 and 70 feet deep and nearly 2,000 people benefit from the new facility, capable of generating 136 meters cubic of water daily.

Abandonment of channels the other hand, Ecologists in Action has criticized the state of neglect in which they are the channels and Spanish banks, where the government “continue to allow to be built and carried out all kinds of spills and other environmental damage. Estimates that more than 40,000 buildings located within the hydraulic control land and some areas of flood risk. In addition, the WWF said that the situation of rivers and wetlands Spanish is very worrying: are threatened by increased irrigation and excessive domestic consumption, growing along with tourism and the standard of living.

In Chile

This connotation does not leave a minor in the light of the events that occurred, because while some mining is the great company of Chile, not which represents the highest accident rate work in the country, exceeding the construction. Then there are the explanation for the tremendous hype that has generated this News in Chile, it is not common that these events occur in our country and occur, they correspond to isolated facts, which rarely end in massive deaths of people, whereas mining in Chile not only restricted to copper, because they also explode under various forms of open pit, tunnels and pirquenes (slow exploitation vertical holes), minerals from coal in the region VIIItoday known worldwide for being the epicentre of the 8.8 earthquake of February past, but also salt, gold, molybdenum, lithium, silica, limestone, oil, etc., i.e., mining operations are the length and width of the 4,000 kilometers of this country. Large scale mining in Chile is world-class, leading producer and exporter of copper in the world, is not less for a global economy that demands more and more this product, mainly electronics industry and within the countries of greater demand China. To deepen your understanding Christie’s is the source. But despite these global standards, which became apparent with the vivid crisis, is the capacity of the human, and technical teams who managed to poll until the place where lie the survivors in 2 weeks, demonstrating this leadership of exploitation – almost all necessary machinery for the rescue were in Chile – and good coordination of the Government and the contribution of private, was enough so in less than 48 hours probing teams were operating on the surface of the mine. In Chile copper, is the gold of the metalworkers and miners, if half a kilo of ore trades at almost $3, imagine the added attraction that this represents for the large national companies such as Codelco, leading producer and private as PH Billion, Escondida, Incahuasi to name a few, for medium-sized miners associated with the national society of mining Sonami, that brings together small and medium entrepreneurs and so talk of the tributors, which pierce the desert anywhere, because the mineral appears in reefs near the surface, what attracts this activity, tremendously risky because it’s small piques, where they work no more than 10 men, who descend on these holes hundreds of meters at times, for digging the vein and steal the precious mineral green (for those who do not know the copper occurs as an emerald green spot in the rock and all children of chile can easily distinguish it), which allows them to gather a month just about $200, to differences of the miners who work in large companies, with salaries in thousands of dollars a month. .