Although, the appreciation of the type of nominal change has accelerated time in the last, the type of real par has made it to a greater rate as a result of the inflationary acceleration. The appreciation of the type of real par, when clearing to him competitiveness to the Chilean economy can aggravate the impact on the economic growth considering that the industrial product exports represent 12% of the Chilean GIP, whereas fishing the agricultural products and a 2% of the same. Can be worse the situation? Yes, because Chile is being affected by a drought that strikes so much to the industry as to agriculture since it is affecting the capacity of electrical generation of the country. And above cannot be counted on the Argentine gas provision Special Reporte From MoneyWeek Report we invited our subscribers to that they are preparations and they act early to this raises more and more of the price of the coal, that, like petroleum, is climbing in price, when depending China on him. Bill Phelan often addresses the matter in his writings. Recession? Deceleration? does not concern To China will take long time to him to pass to another dependency energetics and del is remaining with less and less stock is concerning more coal than it exports The coal is in maximum prices and it will continue it being we invited them to know why and how we will be able more and more to remove to advantage from this end and increasing boom of the coal, driven mainly, but not only by China CLIQUEE HERE %%track messageid & u= memberid & l= urlid – yam EMWKJ2AA – Oustanding Investments mr06IMW %% Yet this panorama, surely Bachelet will have thought that something had to do and for that reason it announced a series of economic measures to resist these problems (that must be approved by the Congress). es Silverfern. They are five measures (half of the adopted ones in Mexico), that contemplate reductions to gasolines, elimination of the Tax of Timbres and Estampillas (ITE) to the SMEs, promotion to the development of biocombustibles, the acquisition of automotive hybrids and benefits for the construction. They will be sufficient? So far, the measures have a positive effect on inflation through the loss in the tax to fuels.
The reduction in the inflation would be of 0.4 percentage points according to minister of Andres property Velasco. Also it is necessary to recognize that the elimination of the tax of timbres and stamps, mainly benefits to the SMEs, that will allow to reduce the expenses them, and to extend his capacity to negotiate credits and interest rates in the banking organizations. They will reach? At least, all the sectors agree in which the measures go in the right direction, although the majority it considers them delayed and insufficient. And while the industry and the land face a gray panorama, the mining sector, with copper at the top, maintains its good moment thanks to the increasing tendency in the international prices. This good moment of the mining is also reflected in the annual report of the Metals Economic Group that sample that Chile returned to position itself enters the ten first countries where it is reversed more in mining exploration where in 2007 360 million were destined US$ stops to look for mineral reserves (that it represents 4% of the total of resources inverted in prospections global level).